Nick Nelson

19 3 0

Ok so, there is this boy at the Ball. And i realy like him, but i dont know if he feels the same way. I mean hes pretty, sweet and a bit skinny if you care about that sort of thing. But i dont know, i mean i never felt this sort of thing for boys. And im scared to ask him to dance, because hes been with his friends the whole night. And i have only been dancing with girls. His name is Charles -Charlie- Spring. Hes also in my form next to me, and is such a good friend. And one day i came over and i hugged him before i left. And it was like a ten second long one, and then i left as fast as i could. And when i came home I questiont everything. If i realy had romantic feelings for him and if my past feelings for girls were real. Or have i just imagined that? And then i have such annoying friends that bully him. Then Harry Greene came to talk to me (One of the bullies). Hes such a dick, but i cant just say that to him, he will pick on me too.
'Whats up mate?' He said 'Got a lot of girls i see'
'Uhmm apparently' i said while looking in Charlies direction.
'So whats your secret?' He asked
'What?' I said looking back at him.
'How did you get all of the girls? You have been dancing all night, we were looking for you.'
'Oh uhmm, yeah sorry.'
'Nah mate, its ok, your sixteen you gotta find someone to marry, and have kids with. If you know what i mean.' He said grinning.
'Uhmm, yeah. I-i guess so.'
'Well mate i gotta go, i prommised Anne to dance.'
'Oh, yeah, see you later i guess.'
And then he left. and i sat down when Otis Smith, Sai Verma and Christian McBride came and sat next to me. They were my oldest friends, but they were very close to Harry too and were starting to be more like him. We talked for a bit and then they left too. Then the Ball was over and i didnt get to talk to Charlie at all. I sometimes dream about kissing him. Or that were dating, and i still dont know why. I mean do i really like him? But sometimes, dreams are just dreams.

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