' go Sofie! Go Sofie! ... '

And that was when she lost it and began to dance, moving her waist, hips , hands, legs, whole body all In rhythm to the beat, to the surprise of everyone especially Elena who was more than glad that her twin was a great dancer also.

' This is intense! ' Rebecca said with widened eyes now taking a video of Sofia, ' Sofia is so killing this beat, like seriously! '

Mrs Harper just stood with her mouth slightly open. In surprise!

' Whoa! ' Deborah cheered after Sofia's freestyle moves, ' that was crazy 'fia, where did you learn all that from?! '. Sofia simply shrugged with a shy look.

' let's be a team! I didn't know you could dance ! ' Elena pulled Sofia into her embrace. Sofia felt relieved, it wasn't bad, she thought, just dance without looking at their faces, she thought again, hoping she'll get to be in the school dance team with her sister.

' We are a Team sis ' Sofia said.

' I'm so proud of my girls ' Mrs Harper said in a nearly teary voice.

A memory had flashed in her head, a memory of when she was six months pregnant of the twins, Mr Harper was playing the guitar and singing in his honey coated voice, Mrs Harper couldn't take her eyes off him, she couldn't stop admiring how beautiful his voice sounded, calming her unborn children that were not quite long restless in her womb, and how good looking he was, Little Deborah sat on his laps, watching his every move, as he sang, shifting his gaze and beautiful smile between her and her mother ,his wife, as his fingers skillfully danced on the firm strings of the guitar, a look of enthusiasm glinting in little Deborah's eyes, and her Mom with her cute baby bump dancing to the slow rhythm song her husband sang.


It's Sunday! After The Harpers arrival from Sunday church service,Mrs Harper prepared a sumptuous meal for lunch that got devoured in no time.

Deborah packed her clothes and shoes for mirabel's birthday party into a bag and got ready to leave for the Brooke's house.

' Momma ' Deborah called as she descended the stairs. Her mom and the girls were watching a Sunday comic family drama from Netflix on the large TV screen in the living room that was littered with a few of Elena's dolls.

' Hey honey ' Mrs Harper called, swiveling on the sofa to look at Deborah.

' I'm on my way now ' Deborah smiled.

' Remember, no alcohol or any thing stupid, don't forget the daughter of whom you are, which is? ' She rose a brow in await for an answer.

' The daughter of the Most high God, the daughter of Mrs Harper Brooke! ' Deborah said.

' That's my girl, have a nice time and greet Mr and Mrs Brooke for me '

' I will Momma, bye! ' Deborah said walking towards the front door.

' I love you honey! Bye! '

' bye sis! ' The twins chorused with a wave.

' Bye girls ' Deborah said and walked out of the house.

' I'm here! ' Deborah called after a five minute ten seconds walk arriving at the Brooke's house.

There was no response so she proceeded to Rebecca's room.

' Hey girl! ' She jumped onto Rebecca's bed and flipped Rebecca's messy long hair. Rebecca seemed to be asleep.

' Sup babe? ' Rebecca yawned and stretched, sitting up and then resting her head on Deborah's stomach again.

Fairytale worldNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ