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Late noon, and on the table was grilled cheese sandwich and orange juice , the girls kept chit chatting over their meal, while Mrs Harper was busy by the kitchen sink.
' Is Dave coming to pick you up?'
Deborah asked, before taking a long sip from her cup of juice, ' the time says five forty five ' she added, carefully placing the half filled cup beside her plate of half eaten sandwich.
' yeah, he'll be here in five minutes, he says ' Rebecca rolled her eyes.

It's hard for her to say a single word about her brother without showing "I don't care" reactions.

' guess who I saw singing on social media for the first time ever ' Mrs Harper faced the girls and leaned on the sink, she had a proud smile on her lips.

' Sis of course! ' Elena squealed.

' that was awesome honey, you didn't tell me about it, I thought you were still shy about singing to the public ' Mrs Harper smiled.

' it was more easy than I thought, thanks to Rebecca ' Deborah smiled at her best friend who also smiled in return.

' besides you have "STAGE" fright not "singing in your room being recorded" fright ' Rebecca said jokingly dabbing her mouth with serviette.

' I know Reb, but do you know how Insecure, scared and nervous to the bone I was when you were about to upload the video? '

' But you can see now that your voice is amazing, you see how viral the video has gone ' Rebecca winked and beamed.

' And oh Jesus, Elena - ' Mrs Harper looked at her with an humourous smile, ' - Looks like you've been watching a lot of dance videos, guess you got your dance moves from me ' she laughed.

' Oh really? ' Deborah laughed.

' Prove it to them Momma! ' Elena yelled.

' of course ' Mrs Harper stood straight, shifted her gazes between the four pair of eyes before her waist went zigzag in a snap before twirling.

' whoa! ' Rebecca bursted into laughter along with the others.

' mom! That was lit! ' Sofia smiled.

' I've never seen Sofia dance ' Rebecca said and all eyes was on Sofia.

' that's because I don't know how to '. A lie. ' y'all stop looking at me like that! ' Sofia averted her gaze from them.

' dance for us Fia ' Deborah persuaded.

' I don't want to, let Lena do all the dancing ' She said picking at her sandwich with her fork.

' you must dance! Dance! Dance!..' Elena started chanting, and in no time everyone joined in.

' dance! Dance! Dance!...'

' Show them you have my dancing skills in your blood, show them honey!', Sofia sighed heavily and got off the chair slowly, ' give her some beat ! '

Sofia sighed with a funny look of determination on her face,
Deborah picked a fork and,
' 1, 2, 3 ! ' She began to drum, her left producing the bass and the fork in her right hand as the drum stick.

Sofia let the beat fill her head, the only place she'd always danced was in the bathroom alone under the shower.
She felt inferior to Elena when it came to dancing, watching the school praise Elena and award her twice after wining dancing competitions for the school made her feel so inferior, so she never danced in public, not that anyone noticed until now.

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