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*Dusk=Evil Sun/Dark Sun

Eclipse was stressed.

Well, stressed is an understatement.

Finding out that Ruin was the one behind it all, made him feel...out of place, nothing but AI and memories in a metal body that isn't even his.

And now, there was a small problem that will eventually involve into a bigger problem: Dark Sun.

Sure, the guy hasn't done anything bad or something to hurt this dimension, but he was off-putting.

Eclipse growled, dismissing these thoughts and wanted to work more based off of the information he has.

He knew that he could bring Solar back with more knowledge, feeling the aura of Solar still wandering around, making it clear he can come back.

Eclipse hummed, deciding to pay a little visit to a certain...Sun...


"Gah!" Eclipse groaned as his body was pulled down by an invisible force, ontop of a red, glowing square with a silver lining.

He struggled, trying to get up with a trembling body but he was unable to do so.

"Really. You?" A familiar voice echoed throughout the fortress, the force that was holding Eclipse down barely allowed him to look up.

"Out of all people...I expected Moon to be the first. But You...?" Dusk approached Eclipse with a confident and demanding aura, making Eclipse feel small in his presence.

"I mean... I knew you would eventually come here but I didn't expect it so soon!" Dusk chuckled, the noise vibrating the fortress.

"y-you..." Eclipse began but grunted as the force pulled him back down again, "you built a security system for whoever comes here..?" Eclipse growled out in surprise.

"Why of course! I wouldn't want someone wandering around this place, seeing how you just tried to." Dusk kneeled as he spoke, tilting Eclipse's head up by placing his index finger under Eclipse's chin.

"Now, what do you want?" Dusk demanded an answer without words, his tone making that clear.

Eclipse snarled slightly, trying to pull away from the touch. "I know you want information...what will you give me for it? what do you have?" Dusk pressed on the matter even more.

Eclipse stayed silent once more, almost like he didn't even know the information he wanted. Dusk hummed, letting go of Eclipse's chin and instead circling around him.

"You know I can't give you the information you want if I don't know what it is, right?" Dusk purred out, stopping the moment he was behind the trembling Eclipse.

Eclipse grumbled, still struggling against the powerful invisible force. "I-I want.... information on how to- bring someone back.." Eclipse stuttered out, still struggling.

Dusk raised an eyebrow, "information on how to bring someone back you say..? Does this regard a certain...Solar...?" Dusk grinned.

Eclipse's hands balled into fists, wanting to fight but unable to. "...Maybe." Eclipse whimpered out.

"What will you give me for this information? I mean, you certainly don't have anything I want, so what do you have right now on you to give me?" Dusk circled around Eclipse again, stopping Infront of him.

"N-now..?" Eclipse stared at Dusk, settling down a bit, "...I-I don't really kno-", "your eyes..." Dusk cut off Eclipse, staring closely at Eclipse's eyes.

Eclipse gritted his teeth, "I am NOT giving you my eyes!" He snarled out, attempting to get up but was pulled down again.

Dusk sighed, "well, if not your eyes, then what can you give me?" Dusk mumbled before an idea suddenly popped inside his head.

"Hmm....how about.." he trailed off, walking behind Eclipse before straddling him, sitting on his back to humiliate him by belittling him.

"I install something in you and then I give you information?~" Dusk purred out, his tone intimidating and soothing at the same time.

"I-in me...?" Eclipse stuttered, looking uncomfortable in the current position. "Yes. I'll put something inside you...deep inside your skull..." Dusk continued, caressing one of Eclipse's rays.

"Something that you won't know what it is and I'll give you the information.." Dusk's way of wording and the tone sent shivers down Eclipse's spine.

Eclipse considered it for a moment before gulping. "... you'd do it anyway, even if I say no, won't you." Eclipse snarled out in hatred as Dusk laughed.

"My my... of course! And you can't do anything to stop me~" Dusk hummed, "oh, this will hurt, alot." He simply said before applying something to Eclipse's code.

Eclipse screamed in pain, his eyes widening from the sudden feeling.

He never remembered passing out.

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