I looked back at the other ship and no. That man was still staring right at me. I shrugged the chilling feeling from my body and walked faster to the dining area. That stare was creeping me out. Could he see me? NO!! That is just not possible, not without the glasses which I have.

But hell, was I even more excited.

I was about to push open the door but I found it already wide open and with the scene in front of me, I could feel the adrenaline already running through every cell of my body and with my mind fully on alert , all my senses in action.

I watched Athena holding a dagger in her hands pointing at Heechan.

My dagger.

The twins tried to walk closer to her holding their own swords, but Athena didn't gave them a chance and shouted,

"Don't come near me or I will kill you!!!!"

I slowly entered the room, not to draw any attention to me and carefully walked keeping a safe distance from Athena.

"Miss. Athena. Why are you doing this? Captain wouldn't like this. He has already been too lenient with you. Please drop that dagger and just talk about what is wrong and bothering you." Alex said gently, trying to move closer and take the dagger out of her hands but she pointed it even further and yelled,

"I don't want to talk about it. I want your fucking captain to let me ago or I will kill him and than I will kill you all and than I will leave with the ship which is coming towards us right now.'

Oh. She heard it.

"You will not do any of that Athena. And I'm asking you right now to give me back my precious dagger." I said to her calmly and it looked like she was taken aback with my presence, for she flinched and turned around almost cutting me on my arm. The others were surprised too

She was breathing so heavily, that I was worried she is going to hyperventilate.

"Stay away from me Golden. I heard you telling that ugly giant, that two ships were coming towards us. We already talked about this in the morning, you are not going to stop me from leaving." She talked quickly, breathing with almost all her body. I could see the sweat on her forehead and the tension in her lean muscles.

"And I also told you that I will stop you no matter what and if you did heard us talk than you must have also heard me saying that something bad is about to happen. So just let go of the dagger Athena. You might hurt someone or yourself." I said seriously but made my voice a little gentle at the end, stepping towards her carefully, not to startle her. I could see the twins also moving slowly towards her.

While doing this subtly, I caught a glimpse of unsurity in her eyes and that was enough for me to move even closer. "That ship and those people aren't good Athena."

She was just a little far from me now. In three steps I could reach her. But I stopped when I saw a new determination in her eyes and she pointed the dagger straight at my chest, on my heart with her hands shaking and the sweat dripping from her exposed, sleeveless arms.


Her face was all red and her eyes looked so determined that it turned me on. Passion and determination is a turn on for me. Why is she wearing sleeveless though. Isn't she cold?

"Stop right there Golden. Or else." She ordered, her chest moving up and down and now I can even see her legs shaking a little. Her hair were dripping with sweat too. I wanted to hold them in my hands and bend her right over the table and take my dagger out of her hand. Maybe even give her a spank for touching it without my permission.

I don't even know why I was turned on right now, in this situation, while a knife was pointed at me and could probably kill me and I also didn't knew why I was still moving towards her despite the danger.

I knew that I could easily do whatever I just thought but I didn't wanted to force her to agree with me. I needed to make her trust me with this and to drop the idea of leaving this ship herself because that wasn't happening. Not right now. Not when the other ship didn't brought any good feelings. They surely didn't had any good intentions.

"Or else what?" I whispered loud enough for her and only her to hear. The twins had stopped approaching probably seeing that I was capable of handling this situation.

"Or else- or else I will" She stuttered while staring between me, twins, Heechan and the door with a little panic in her eyes now.

She was panicking and that was the last thing I needed her to do right now. I needed her to see the logic behind why I was doing this. I needed her to know that this ship is safer than the other one. I needed her to let my ladder go and I needed her to obey me.

So I took one last step towards her and stopped almost in front of her, almost our bodies touching and said, "I understand why you want to leave Athena but I'm a Clairvoyant and you can think that I just had a vision about those ships causing trouble."

"I'll rather be with them than these bloody, unworthy psycho murderers." She retorted still with the dagger, now completely on my chest. I could feel it stinging.

And before I could reply to her, she pushed me back and made a run for the door. But I've already seen this coming and immediately held her waist, pulling her towards the big side table, with her back towards my chest.

I quickly took the dagger from her hands and settled them where they should be. She was wriggling trying to get out of my hold but I tightened my hold on her and whisper yelled near her ears,

"Just listen to me Athena!! I know you don't trust these pirates. I don't trust them either. But I'm damn sure that we are more safe here than on the other ship. I wouldn't be trying so hard to make you stay if that wasn't the case. I don't know if those other people are pirates, evil merchants or just fucking psycho, crazy travelers. I don't know what they are going to do or how they are going to do it. But I know that something bad is about to happen, caused by them and soon. We don't have time for your tantrum Athena so just trust me with this!! I'll make sure that you are safe here." I paused with my little speech, turning her around still holding her waist, close to me so that she won't try to kick or push me,

"We talked about this in the morning and I made it clear that I won't let you leave if I knew that you wouldn't be safe. And I'm a women of my words Athena so trust me."

"I will protect you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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