(Chapter 4)-Overworked-

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-Adam's POV- (3rd Person Limited)

As Adam opened the doors to the training room, he caught a glimpse of a silver blur and turned to look. Lute was practicing by herself, moving gracefully and quickly, her form perfect. Adam smiled and leaned on the railing to watch her.

His eyes scanned her as her small form twisted and twirled, moving fluidly through the air. She moved at intensely fast speeds and never broke a sweat.  Finally, Lute sailed down slowly, her wings fluttering gracefully as she landed.

It's hard to love someone for years and not be able to tell them. Sometimes Adam wished with all his heart to just blurt out the words, to tell her how much he adored her. But he knew better. She'd never reciprocate and he couldn't risk messing up their friendship.

Adam clapped before he could stop himself, his cheeks blushing with proud rosé under his mask for his top girl. 

"Good form Dangertits." He commended.

"I-Sir. I didn't realise you were here. My apologies." Lute replied with a slight blush and a bow.

"Nah you're good. Glad you're setting an example for these ones." Adam said snidely as the rest of the exterminators shuffled through the door, Giovanna in the lead.

The second the blonde laid eyes on Adam she was all over him, gushing and sucking up to him.

"OMG Adam! Sorry we weren't here a few minutes ago! But you'll pardon for me, right~" She cooed, shining her big golden eyes up at him, her long eyelashes fluttering.

"I mean...I guess this time? But like don't do it again. And-" He started before shooting her a disdainful look, "Personal space bitch." 

Giovanna frowned and her silver wings shuddered, the golden tips of her wings glinting in the morning light, which streamed through the floor to ceiling windows on the other side of the room. Lute snickered behind Adam, poking her head out with her hands on Adam's wings as she laughed.

Adam smiled affectionately and looped his wing around the shorter exterminator, pushing her forward to his side. She scooted closer to him to mimic his position with his arms crossed over his chest. He grinned down at her and stared at the crowd of exterminators.

"Well? What are you all waiting for? You're twenty minutes late, get to training!" Adam barked, his eyes shining as he started to walk towards his office.

He hears Lute's delicate footsteps follow him quickly as the angels flock to their training positions. Adam flopped onto his coushy office chair and kicked his feet up onto the desk. He smiled at Lute, who stood nearby and stared at her phone.

"Sir we have to finish the paperwork from Friday." Lute's voice called firmly from his side.

"Do we have to? C'mon Dangertits, we can do something else." Adam said mischieviously, hinting to more scandalous activities, expecting Lute to shut him down as usual.

Instead, the short exorcist turned her head away, a dim blush tinting her pale skin. She took a few seconds to compose herself before she spoke.

"I don't know why you try. It's not going to happen, sir." She said, emphasising his title.

"Boring~ How about we go get some food soon. It's almost lunch time. We can go to our favourite restaurant~" Adam cooed.

Lute's face filled with hesitation, broken by temptation of her favourite restaurant, Angel Wings. Finally, she sighed and gave in. Adam clapped and and stood, putting a hand on the small of her back, where he'd unknowingly put it the night before.

Lute walked forward as he nudged her and closed the doors. 

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