(Chapter 3)-Training-

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Inches and feet translation for my non-american readers ;)  5'7=152 

-Lute's POV- (Third person limited)

Lute stopped the water as Adam closed the door behind him. She leaned over the sink and sighed deeply. She shook her head and sighed as she walked to her bedroom. All she needed was a good shower, that would make her feel better.

As Lute slid off her shirt and shorts, flinging them onto her bed, she caught a glimpse of herself in her full body mirror. She stopped and backed up until she could see herself fully. Her reflection stared back at her and she frowned. 

"I-I swear I didn't weigh this much a few days ago..." She murmurs to herself.

Lute was in great shape, she had an athlete's body but an hourglass figure and was slim with small feet and big, golden eyes. She was easily the prettiest exterminator, even more so than Giovanna, and had short white hair that faded into grey at the tips and a stunning smile. 

She was short, something Adam constantly made fun of her for, only standing at around five foot seven inches or so and was skinny. Lute was curvy in all the right places but wore a binder at training so as not to hinder her ability to fight. 

Occasionally, she would become too skinny. Adam had been with her through several boughts when her BDD got really bad. Lute had suffered from Body Dysmorphic Disorder since life and went through stages when she would practically starve herself because she thought she weighed too much.

He would always stay with her through all of it and comfort her, which she loved about him. For years, Lute persistently refused Adam's advances and quickly became the best soldier and his biggest fascination. However, after Adam stopped incessantly flirting with her, he became comfortable around her. The two became inseperable and went almost everywhere together and over time, Lute found her heart fluttering when he called her name.

Lute liked the Adam she had when it was just them. He was sweeter and considerate and sometimes almost acted like a boyfriend. She sighed as she stepped away from the mirror and into the bathroom. As the water ran, she resolved to eat less until she lost the weight she was convinced she'd gained, but she knew she had to be careful to make sure Adam didn't notice.

As Lute stepped out of the shower, she wrapped a towel around her and tucked it under her arms. She slipped into her uniform and grabbed her phone as she darted out the door. Most of the time she didn't eat breakfast because she didn't need the calories, but her stomach twisted in hunger as she walked. 

Lute sighed and kept walking to the Heaven Embassy building. She'd have a snack at lunch, that's all she needed. Finally, she arrived at the training room and slipped inside, grabbing her spear. She began to train on her own as she waited for everyone else.

{So these chapters will kinda vary in length depending on what's happening, so bear with me.}

Word Count: 514

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