//Chapter five//

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The next morning you got woken up by an unusual amount of texts, you checked your phone and saw how your best friend, Betty, spammed you about some guy pissing her off. You threw you head back on you pillow after you saw that it was already 7:23am. After a couple of minutes and some deep breaths you finally got up and put on a sweater, went downstairs and hoped you could get, even just a tiny amount of caffein. But quickly your joy for coffee got taken away as you saw that somebody was expecting you in the kitchen, quiet a few somebodies. You brother stood in the middle of almost a crowd of men in Raymonds kitchen, they all quieted down as they heard and saw you walk into the kitchen and looked at you.
"Good morning, sunshine."
"Hey Mickey."
You said quietly in your raspy morning voice.
"Sorry, but what exactly is going on here?"
"We're gonna brief you today."
He said in his calming british voice, you didn't quiet understand and showed him that with your facial expression.
"Well, not exactly brief you but...you'll see."
"Can i at least have a coffee first?"
Mickey waved his hand slowly and along with him every single one of the men left the house except Raymond. He poured you some coffee in a cup and handed it over to you.
"How did you sleep?"
"Oh amazing. I love your bed. But how did you sleep? I mean your couch does look comfortable but I'm sure you got used to the luxurious feeling of your bed."
"It was as every night. I didn't feel a difference."
"Of course."
You mumbled before taking a sip.
"So what was that all about?"
You asked while waving around the room where only seconds earlier a bunch of men stood.
"Well, today your going to learn what your brother really has been up to, what he makes his money with. And all of the others were his security. He told you in the car in what dangerous situation is you both are in right now."
You nodded while swallowing your coffee. After you had changed your brother took you to what he calls "his office".
"First of all, i have to set a couple of rules. Is that alright with you?"
"Depends on the rules."
You said giving him a sweet mischievous smirk. The man in the back of the room smiled and chuckled.
"I like her. She's smart, witty AND pretty."
One of them whispered to another.
"First rule:
No social media posting about where you are, what your doing, who you're with and why you're here. Basically disappearing from everyone. Second rule:,"
He continued while you already started writing the first rule down like a little school girl.
," no leaving without telling one of my man or at least Raymond. You will never, under ANY circumstances go anywhere alone. Ever. Do you understand? I hope you muscles without brains in the back are listening too."
You snickered without looking up from your notebook while writing.
"Third rule:
we have dinner at least three times a week. I want to know what's been going on in your life since you left."
He said that rule a bit softer and nicer.
"Fourth and last rule:
No sex or any romantic relationship with ANY of my man. Understood?"
You didn't look up but you still hesitated before writing that one down, that rule was definitely your least favorite.
"Ok, if you have that we can move on to people."
He continued showing you photos of the people you can definitely trust and those you can definitely not. He told you a couple of tips and tricks about what to do if you get into an uncomfortable situation and forced you to go to the gym for self-defense and boxing lessons at least three times a week (you already went boxing in NY so you didn't have a problem with that).
"Alright, Raymond. Now you take her out for lunch. I still have a bit of paper stuff to do. But we'll have dinner today. Alright?"
You nodded happily, grabbed your stuff and followed Raymond out the mazelike mansion.
"Where you wanna go?"
He asked while two other men followed you to the car, they came for extra security.
"Oh, i don't have any preferences. You choose. You know this place best."
"You like sushi?"
"Is that a serious question?"
And with that you closed the car door.

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