//Chapter thirteen//

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A couple of days after the incident in the bedroom Raymond decided to join you and the boys for a work out at the gym. Before you arrived at the gym Jake told you he had to fill up the tank really quick and so you drove to a gas station almost across the gym and waited for the tank to fill.
"Hey. Would it be ok if i went to the bathroom really quick?"
"Of course. Hey Bunny. Can you go with her? I have to make a quick call."
And without waiting for an answer he had wiped out his phone and left the car. You went to the bathroom behind the gas station and Bunny waited in front of the door. You were just washing your hands as a tall, black haired woman entered the bathroom. She smiled at you and seemed very kind. She went into the first stall and you dried your hands, wanting to leave as you heard her say.
"Oh god. Sorry miss? Do you have a pad on you by any chance?"
"Oh. Of course."
You said before you pulled one out of your bag.
"There you go."
You pushed it under the stall but before the woman grabbed it the door of her stall flew open and kicked you in the face. You groaned and all that raced your mind was "what the fuck". You tried getting up and felt your nose bleeding but the woman pushed the door open, stood in front of you and gave you a cruel smile.
"I finally have you. You bitch. Wasn't easy getting to you. Your brother has a pretty tight security system."
You didn't understand a word until she mentioned your brother. And that was when her face suddenly looked familiar too, and then you remembered. She was the russians wife, the russian trying to kill you and your brother. Fuck. You tried getting up and sprinting away from her and even though she was wearing incredibly high heeled boots she was quick. Too quick. And she grabbed your arm before smashing your face against the bathroom wall and with that knocking you out. You didn't know how but somehow she managed to smuggle you past Bunny, maybe the bathroom had a second exit. But you woke up in a huge, cold warehouse, you felt your head pulsing from pain and your nose seemed to be broken. As you slowly looked down your body, which was painful as well because for some reason your neck was hurting too, you saw why you were freezing so much. They had taken off your clothes, you were only wearing your sports bra and underwear. Your senses came to slowly return and you felt your wrists and knuckles being tied to the wooden chair you sat on. Fear and panic was the only thing clouding your mind now, shutting out almost all of the pain. You tried looking around and find something or someone to help you but you soon realized you were all alone. It tried loosening your wrists but nothing seemed to work. After what seemed about four hours, you had lost all sense of time, you heard a door open further away and soon you saw a tall, gray haired man with a white fur coat and about seven men following him come towards you. Fear and panic increased as you saw his scared face and recognized Dmitry something unpronounceable. He stopped closely in front of you and you tried leaning back into the seat as far as possible. You paused and looked you up and down before starting to talk.
"Good evening Mr. Pearson."
He said in a strong russian accent. You would've asked what he wanted but you already knew the answer to that question.
"Have you had a nice arrival?"
He said as he took another step closer, leaning out one hand to grab your chin. He grabbed it firmly and pulled it up to face him. HE looked past the mascara smudged, red eyes of yours and stared directly into your pupils. He stared for good two minutes before pushing your face back and turned around with a small wave gesturing something you weren't quiet sure yet what it meant. But sadly you would soon find out. Two of the seven men had each a black suitcase in their hand, one of them opened it and pulled a laptop from it. He grabbed a chair from nog so far away, placed it right in front of you and opened his laptop. While he did so and continued typing something the other one placed his suitcase on the floor. The panic seemed to increase to infinity as you saw its content. Saws, knives, a gun and a syringe. You hadn't noticed how Dmitry had taken off his coat and rolled up his sleeves until he walked up in front of you. The computer guy placed his laptop on the chair, facing you and all you saw on it was a reflection of you. It looked horrifying, your eyes were red and swollen, mascara was all over your face, you were shivering and had red knees.
"Let's call your loving brother. Shall we?"
You looked up at him confused but you already heard a ringing noise and soon after you saw your brothers face, next to him sat his wife and in the back was standing Raymond, he looked terrible. Like he had worked and worried throughout the entire night which was probably what he had been doing and his face had a mixture of relief, surprise and anger on it as he saw you.
"Hello Mickey."
You heard Dmitry say as he stood behind you, you could see him on the screen. That bastard was smiling like a little boy.

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