52 ― it's karate time.

Start from the beginning

Achara glanced around the room, surprised by how many people were sitting in the crowd. There was so many more people than there was at the tournament last year.

"And finally...this dojo is making their All Valley debut, though you'll recognize a few familiar faces," Daryl continued announcing. "Every year, a new dojo rises up the ranks. Does this newcomer have what it takes to win it all? Please welcome Eagle Fang Karate, led by Sensei Johnny Lawrence and defending champion, Miguel Diaz!"

Decha walked out alongside Miguel, following after Johnny. Achara's made eye contact with Miguel and the two shared a quick smile. When they claimed their spot on the mat, Decha leaned forward and winked at Demetri who gave him a small smile before looking at the ground.

Achara poked her out of line, looking at Miguel. He was already looking at her, giving her a nod when she met his eyes. Achara nodded back at him and looked straight ahead, ignoring the look that she was receiving from Silver. She could feel his eyes on her, burning a hole right through her face.

"At the end of the day, only one of these dojos can be crowned Grand Champion," Daryl announced. "Welcome the 51st Annual All Valley Under-18 Karate Tournament!"

The crowd went wild, erupting into applause and cheers as they stood on their feet.

"It's karate time."


"Eagle Fangs listen up," Sensei Lawrence said, causing his students to direct their attention towards him. "Some of you have been here before and for some of you, it's your first tournament."

Decha crossed his arms, staring down at the floor as he spoke.

"I still remember my first All Valley where I pummeled the ever-loving crap out of my opponents as the crowd cheered," he continued. "It hasn't been easy to get here. We've had a tough road to get here. They tried to soften you up. That bullshit's behind us now. If Cobra Kai wins, that means no more Eagle Fang. We're not gonna let that happen, are we?"

"No, Sensei!"

"We have something that Cobra Kai doesn't," Johnny said, pointing at Miguel. "We have a reigning champion. So, let's get out there and show Cobra Kai what we're made of. Are you ready?"

"Yes, Sensei!"

"All right, good. Let's warm up!"

Decha uncrossed his arms, glancing to the side to look at Achara. She was staring at Silver and Kreese, her head moving back and forth as they spoke. Decha turned when he felt a hand touch his shoulder.

Miguel removed his hand, looking at Decha with cover all over his face. "Are you okay?"

Decha nodded. "I'm good. You don't need to check up on me, you know?"

"Yeah?" Miguel asked. "Who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself?"

Decha's eyebrows furrowed. "What are you talking about?"

Miguel leaned closer to whisper in his ear. "You've been drinking again. Don't try and tell me you haven't. I did what you asked and didn't tell Demetri, but it doesn't take a genius to see that you've been drinking. He'll find out eventually even if I don't tell him."

Decha didn't get the chance to respond before Miguel was  being called over by Sensei Lawrence. Decha gulped as he turned his head in Demetri's direction. He couldn't find out.


"All right, fall in," Kreese spoke.

Achara turned her body around, standing between Tory and Robby as she listened to Kreese give his pre-tournament speech.

AGONY OF DESIRE ; cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now