51 ― keep your enemies closer.

Start from the beginning

"And that's what separates you from the rest of the others," Silver told her. "They aren't afraid to start a fight, sure. But to use the feelings of others against them and take the risk if what sets you apart."

Achara stood up and bowed at them before holding her hand behind her back. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I have to get warmed up."

She turned on her heels, moving towards the doorway. She faced them again, bowing one more time before turning and walking out of the office. She held her head up high, not wanting to give any indication that she was nervous. Her fellow Cobras watched her every move.

Achara stood in the corner of the mat, stretching her arms before lifting her leg and pulling it behind her back. She leaned forward, her gaze fixed on the ground. It wasn't until she saw a pair of feet in front of her that she leaned back and looked up as she placed her foot back down on the mat.

Achara crossed her arms. "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry," Robby responded. "I know I've been ignoring you and I'm sorry. I've just been getting caught up in training with Kenny and Tory that I—"

"Training with Tory?" Achara questioned him, raising her eyebrow. "Since when have you been training with Tory?"

She glanced in Tory's direction, watching her as she stretched next to Piper and Kyler.

"She wanted some extra help learning the Miyagi-Do moves and I was helping her," Robby responded. "It's not a big deal."

Achara couldn't help but scoff. "Not a big deal? Look, I get training together. Fine, whatever. But not telling me about it? Leaving me out of conversations for weeks and making me feel like I'm being ignored?"

"I didn't mean to make you feel that way," Robby replied. "It's just both Kenny and Tory have been going through a lot and—"

"Oh my god, do you even hear yourself right now?" Achara cut him off, rolling her eyes. "Tory was my girlfriend. If she was going through something, then she could have talked to me. She could have told me, and I would have done anything I could to help her. But she didn't do that. She shut me out and then she turned to you—my best friend—instead and you both shut me out!"

"She didn't think you'd understand," Robby responded.

"Okay and?" Achara asked her. "She still could have told me about whatever was going on instead of shutting me out and making me think the worst! I get that I don't know what it's like for the two of you, but I would have tried to understand. I would've been okay with the two of your understanding each other, but completely ignoring me in the process? That I don't understand."

Robby nodded his head. "I'm sorry. I agree with you. We should have told you, but Tory didn't want to. She didn't want to burden you and then when you broke up with her, she felt like she didn't have anyone."

"And again, I understand that," Achara responded. "But why did you have to act like I didn't exist? You promised me that nothing would come between us again, and that's exactly what happened. Did you ever stop to think that maybe I needed you too?"

Robby sighed in response. "I know and I'm sorry."

"And then you went to prom with her!" Achara shouted, causing several heads to turn. "Why the hell did you go to prom with her?"

"Why did you go to prom with Miguel?" Robby asked.

Achara rolled her eyes. "To get in his head! He's still in love with me and if he thinks he stands a chance, then he'll be off his game at the tournament. You would have been able to see that if you hadn't been dancing with Tory the whole night."

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