Taylor Jewel - Hate To Love pt 1

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"Hey Belly, I can't wait till you hear in Cousin's".

Hey, Yn/n, I rolled my eyes at the sound of Taylor voice. Taylor Belly's best friend my sworn enemy.

"Hi Tyla".

She knows I hate being called that stupid nickname, like I know it pisses her off being called Tyla.

"Hey cut it out, you two are going to be spending the summer together".

"Don't remind me", I groaned.

"Screw you", was the response I got from Taylor.

Listen Tyla, I as flattered as I am I'm not interested in what was you called it screwing, so please keep your private fantasies private".

Your Disgusting, were the words Taylor spat at me.

"Me Disgusting never, you on the hand are definitely disgusting".

Anyway night belly and I will see you tomorrow when you arrive at Cousins

"More thing Y/n".

I sighed, "was it Belly".

"Taylor coming with us tomorrow".

Before I could responded, Belly hung the phone up.

Just great Taylor at Cousins, there goes my relaxing summer.

A/N note - Short Chapter

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