Jerimah Fisher

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I wake up to hear a vibrating noise going off near my head, I rolled over to see my phone flashing and a thousand missed calls, and even more text message form Jeremiah , I rolled my eyes and throw the phone back down,

I wasn't In the mood, my door burst open and In walks taylor,

"So what happened"?, Taylor asked.

"I don't know, what you are talking about".

Taylor raised her brow, Cleary not believing my lie.

"Y/N, Tell me the truth".

Jeremiah hooked up with someone else when we were having our break, and didn't think I would ever find out.

"That fucking asshole", Taylor sneered.

I just wanted to forget all about jerimah and want he had done.

"Girl, you know what we can do there is this midsummer party that some of Belly's deb friends are throwing and I think we should get you looking hot and make Jeremiah see what he is missing".

"Taylor, I don't think that is a good idea".

"Y/N", Taylor whined.

I thought about it, Jeremiah hurt me and I needed to get these feelings out of chest.

"You know what Taylor, let's do this. I want him to regret what he did".

After Taylor and I got ready we order a uber and arrived there. Taylor introduced me to Belly and the Debs as Taylor called them. I saw Jeremiah singing some song from grease with some girls doing back vocals and some tanned guy.

I looked around trying to find taylor I went towards the kitchen thinking she would have been their getting a drink but she wasn't as I turned around a guy slammed Into spilling his drink all over the front of shirt.

"Shit, I am so sorry", The guy slurred.

His eyes wandering for something to clean the drink off with. After a minute of two watching his drunk antics I told him it was fine I would clean it up myself.

But instead he seemed to have sobered up enough to grab my hand and drag to me a bathrooms.

Jeremiah Pov

I was dancing and singing on the karaoke machine when i noticed Y/N headed into the kitchen mostly likely looking for someone, after a few minutes she walked out with some guy.

I dropped the mic and stormed past Taylor who had a smirk on her face and she stood in front of me blocking me from getting to Y/N.

"Move Taylor", I snapped in no mood for her bullshit.

"Leave her the fuck alone, after what you did she deserves to let loose and blow some steam".

I scoffe, "So acting a like slut is your idea of blowing off some steam, I voiced and shoved her out of my way, heading into the bath room".

Y/N pov

As this random guy was helping me clean up the spilled drink the door slammed opens and in walks the last person I would want to see Jeremiah.

I roll my eyes Cleary annoyed with this situation and his presence.

Thank your for helping me with this a nodded to towards my stain coloured shirt and walked past Jeremiah who looked furious.

Y/N I heard my name being shouted, I quickly tried to find Taylor but he caught my wrist and yanked me towards him I grabbed my hand back turning towards him In the process.

"You don't get to touch ever again" , I spat anger laced in my voice.

Babe please it was a mistake, he pleaded.

A laughed amused.

"Jeremiah a mistake is breaking something not cheating after a little fight".

"It was a miskate",

"Jeremiah, Please if this was a mistake give me some space".

"Fine I will, but please don't give up on me". He said sounding broken.

I walked towards him embracing him he wrapped his arm around me pulling me in close.

"Thank you, you won't regret it". He whispered.

"I better not", I mumbled against his neck. No matter what he did I would always love him.

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