Jerimah Fisher (jealousy)

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Here we are cousins I couldn't wait,

I was taking in the scenery, the smell it felt like home. Finally we had arrived I got out of the car and then I saw him I felt this feeling in my chest my heart beating really fast I felt it evertime I saw him Jeremiah Fisher.

He ran and greeted mum and Steven I was next I looked at belly she was looking for Conrad.

Finally he saw me,

"Hey look who came back all grown up"

he voiced, staring at belly.

"I know right, can you believe it".

He seemed distracted, I frowned.

"Jeremiah", I pinched his arm. That got his attention.

"Huh", now he notices.

"Good to see you to",

He was still looking at her.

I rolled my eyes at him, walking away from him.

And headed to get my bags and go inside ignoring the rest of them.

I walked upstairs I have been coming since I was little so I know which room is mine the room with the blue with white designs all around the room

I looked outside seeing them throw belly in the pool I walked away from the window and started to unpack after unpacking I went and explored the house.

Belly had went down to the beach with Jeremiah and mum was with susannah getting ready for her book signing and Steven was somewhere.

That left Conrad, deep in thought I didn't hear footsteps until it was too late

I screamed, when a felt a hand grab my shoulder.

"Jesus fuck Conrad, you don't sneak up on someone like that".

"Why aren't you out with Jeremiah and belly".

I rolled my eyes at the mention of those two.

"What's with the eye role", Conrad asked.

Nothing I went to head back upstairs.

"Your jealous, of Jeremiah and your sister aren't you".

"What", I scoffed to hide the fact that he was right.

"I am not jealous", I declared.

"Yeah right", Conrad answered smirk all over his face.

"Goodbye Conrad".

I hear him laugh I shoot a very rude gesture in his direction, which makes him laugh harder.

I finally arrive in my room belly flopping on to the bed, I grabbed my bear mister teddy and cuddle up with him and before I know it I am asleep.

"Y/N sweetheart, it time to wake up"

I slowly open my eyes and see susannah's beautiful face and eyes.

I sit and up and hug her tightly embracing her she feels skinner.

I worry a lot about susannah she is like a second mum to me.

"Susannah have you been dieting again".

Susannah laughs and tells me is time to eat. I pull the blanket off me and follow susannah and fill her in on everything that has been happening in my life such as becoming cheerleader captain.

We finally arrived at the dinner table every waiting for us, once we sit down everyone starts eating.

It feels good to be back I look around the table smiling at enjoy this moment.

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