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Seating on a window seat here in a bus, I find solace amidst the bustling journey of daily commutes to and from school. Every day, as I embark on this familiar route, I deliberately select this spot, drawn to the enchanting view it offers. Peering out the window, I'm greeted by the lush greenery that blankets the landscape of our serene province. The rhythmic motion of the passing trees and fields creates a soothing melody, a gentle reminder of the simple beauty that surrounds us. In these moments, I find a tranquil escape from the chaos of life, allowing myself to be embraced by the serenity of nature's embrace.

Just like how nature works, each life within it possesses distinct characteristics and paths to traverse. As humans, we are an integral part of this intricate tapestry. We each embody different experiences and potentials, contributing to the rich diversity of existence. The age-old question persists: do we carve our destinies or are they preordained? Some adhere to the belief in predetermination, echoing the wisdom of ancient traditions that suggest our lives are scripted from inception to conclusion, perhaps even encoded in the lines of our palms. Yet, others champion the concept of free will, asserting our ability to shape our own narratives through the choices we make. Perhaps the truth is a blend of both, a delicate interplay between fate and agency. Regardless of the philosophical stance we adopt, life unfolds with its inherent unpredictability, offering endless opportunities for growth and transformation. Whether we find ourselves guided by cosmic forces or our own volition, the essence of existence lies in embracing the journey, navigating the unknown with courage and curiosity, and embracing the beauty of our shared humanity.

Every day, as I board the bus, I find myself observing each passenger intently. It's a reminder that despite our shared humanity, we each carry a unique set of experiences in this world. Yet, amidst our diversity, there is a common thread that binds us: the instinct to breathe and the pursuit of survival, perhaps even happiness. Some passengers are adorned in elegant attire, others display their employee IDs, representing various sectors of society. Among them, there are students, their youthful energy palpable, and those who toil in markets or farms, their hands bearing the marks of hard work. In this microcosm of humanity, I am reminded of the richness of human existence, each individual contributing their own chapter to the collective narrative of life.

I already know the road leading to the terminal where my bus stops, the familiar sights and sounds signaling my arrival. It's where I disembark because I've reached the municipality I call home. A smirk plays on my lips as I realize that life is indeed like a journey on this bus. We navigate through familiar routes, encountering stops along the way, but ultimately, it's about reaching our destination. Just like this ride, life is a series of journeys, each leading us closer to where we belong.

Is this truly where I'm meant to end up? Returning to the place I started from? It's not what I want.

"Tubig! Mais! Mani! Itlog! Egg!" Vendors shouted, calling out as Jambolera.

As the bus parked in the terminal, people rushed to the opened windows of the bus, holding trays with their merchandise. Vendors in the terminal also used trays, aiming to sell goods to passengers who preferred not to leave the bus.

I got off the bus and went to where the tricycles were lined up.

"Where are you going, ma'am?" a tricycle driver inquired, breaking my reverie. 

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