Chapter 11: Mazel Tov, Libby!

Start from the beginning

Molly and Nightwolf and Scratch: ♪ At my best friend's bat mitzvah ♪

Scratch: ♪ That's it! I'm converting today! ♪

Molly: ♪ It's my best friend's bat mitzvah ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ So beautiful, you'll shed a tear ♪

Molly: ♪ She's telling the world ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ She's no longer a girl ♪

Molly and Nightwolf and Scratch: ♪ Her womanhood is almost here ♪

The scene cuts to after Libby's synagogue where Molly and Nightwolf and Scratch seem rather disappointed at the planning of the party

Scratch: I see no fountain of ranch.

Libby: Molly and Nightwolf! Oh! Thanks for coming to synagogue. OK, how was I? Did I look too nervous? Did I look like a woman?

Nightwolf: Oh, yeah! You rocked that Torah portion! We didn't understand any of it, to be honest, but you were great! So when's everyone else coming here?

Libby: Everyone is here!

She takes out her guest list and crosses out Molly and Nightwolf's name, which are the only name on the list

Molly: Uh, Libby, what about kids from school or the Wilder Scouts, or the Lemmings?

Libby: Oh, all I need is you, Rabbi Katz, and my fam! OK, um, Mom, you know. That's Uncle Ted and Aunt Meg and their sons, Joshua and Gordy. Oh, wait, where is Gordy?

He coming out of a plant behind the girls

Gordy: Enchanté, m'lady. In 97 weeks, I'll be a man.

Molly: Ehh!

Nightwolf: That gross, dude!

Libby: Ugh! Get outta here, Gordy!

They walks around and notices the decorations

Molly: Wow, you, uh... really went all-in with the turtles.

She holding a turtle

Libby: Yeah, that's my theme. Oh, I envy turtles. They can curl their soft, vulnerable bodies into their hard shells, where none of life's sharp edges can harm them.

She sighs

Libby: What a life.

Nightwolf: But-But-But Libby! This is your special day! You deserve a fountain, a DJ, and a celebrity chef!

Libby: Oh, Molly and Nightwolf, I mean, sure, all that stuff might be nice, but I'm just happy you're here! Oh! I need to prep the turtles for the turtle races! But after that, you and Molly and me, we are going to party into the night!

She leaves

Scratch: I mean this party is deader than I am, and I'm dead!

Ms. Stein-Torres: We're scraping by. But books just aren't selling like they used to.

She sighs

Meg: We live in a digital age.

Ms. Stein-Torres: Yep, those E-books are e-killing us.

Molly: Did you hear that, Scratch?

Scratch: I only listen when I hear my name, so... no.

He starts eating all the pretzels

Nightwolf: Libby's Mom's bookstore is struggling! That's why Libby didn't go big on her big day! She's settling and sacrificing and making do! Well, We're making don't! Libby is a shining star, so We're gonna give her the bat mitzvah she deserves!

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