Chapter 18: Dora- The Oath

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Aphrodite and Adonis weren't too far ahead of her thank the gods. They were walking next to each other in a change of clothes without their cloaks and without a sense of urgency.

"Excuse me?" Dora yelled from atop the horse. She forgot how quickly the soreness set in when you didn't ride consistently.

Adonis didn't flinch a muscle, he just kept walking straight ahead. Sweat dripped down his temple and the beige tunic was already soaked in sweat from walking uphill. Aphrodite turned offering a smile, her sharp features as striking as ever in the morning sun, "It's about time."

Dora swung her horse around in front of them. Adonis didn't look at her at all as he walked around her horse as if she wasn't there at all.

That's when she seen his neck, completely bare. There was no tattoo that marked him as a servant. There wasn't even a mark from skin removal like a lot of other ex-servants had.

"What did you do to him?" Dora asked Aphriodiate surprised that she'd followed through on her word.

"I did what I said I'd do. I removed his tattoo." She said nonchalantly, continuing behind Adonis.

"But there's no scar. And why is he so out of it?"

"I did have to persuade him to follow me to Apollo to heal him. He really did not want to leave you behind." Dora froze at mention of the god who almost killed her the night before. It took her a moment to shrug it off. Adonis was okay, or looked okay at least. He wasn't hurt or dead. She let out a breath, "Then why did you leave me?" She almost cringed at how winey she sounded.

Aphrodite shrugged, "I was bored. And look how resourceful you are when left with nothing. Your welcome."

Still on the horse Dora kept the slow pace next to them. She felt only a tiny bit of thankfulness to Aphrodite for keeping her word and helping Adonis. She was still angry at being left behind but she was also right, she was resourceful. Dora scoffed. She let a long pause fill between them as she re-straighten herself on the beautiful mare. "What do you know about Apollo?"

Aphrodite's side eyed her from below, "Why do you ask about him?"

"I met him last night."

"What happened?" Dora didn't miss the worry in her tone.

She grinned down at her. "I will tell you everything, if you swear to never leave me again, or lie to me."

Aphrodite let a moment pause, sneaking a look at Adonis before nodding her head and saying "I swear it on the River Styx, I will never lie or leave you again." She raised her eyebrows "If you swear the same." She held her hand out, waiting for Dora to take it.

Dora didn't hesitate to think before taking Aphrodaites hand. An oath on the River Styx was soul binding between gods but she didn't care. She didn't know what that meant between a goddess and a mortal. She had seen other children swearing all the time on the river and nothing ever happened when they went back their words. She would have too if she hadn't been so sheltered away.

They shook in agreement.

A wave of heat spread through her body for only a moment. "Now what happened?" Aphrodite asked her with no smile or amusement.

She told Aphrodite every single detail, leaving out Jason and what they did in the Tavern. She almost told her about the Pandora story but realizes it was just Apollos way of calling her a whore. They sat in silence for a while after she was finished. Dora couldn't tell what Aphrodite was thinking. Her face remained in that calm almost longing look ahead like she was taking in all the information and processing it piece by piece. But she didn't look surprised.

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