Chapter 12-The Dinner

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A crown of red fire danced above Hades head. He didn't look too much older than she she was, maybe a few years. His short raven black hair had no traces of greying. It looked as if he'd been running his hands through it all day leaving pieces hanging just above his eye. Or maybe someone else had.

And those eyes. There were no wrinkling like she would have thought for an ancient god. How is they held both the bright blue of a clear morning and the darkest blue of the night sky? The shallow waters of a river and yet the depth of an ocean?

How could he be hundreds of years old?

She was too lost in her own thoughts to realize his eyes were also taking her in. His focus drifted down her damp wavy hair to the x the straps made across her chest taking in the strange way she styled the dress. Just as she thought she'd flush from the attention he scowled and snapped his eyes back to the table.

What the... she looked but everything was still in place. Maybe he didn't like how she'd made the dress her own. No one else seemed to mind. He couldn't really be angry at her for the dress? She'd sat a little straighter in the chair refusing to let him intimidate her back into a shadow. If he wanted to ignore her then she could ignore him right back.

Hands were flying in every direction around the table as everyone grabbed what they wanted from the large spread. Dionysus was already taking bites of everything before he set it on his plate so there didn't seem to be a custom to eating. No prayers or thanks were said before Hermes was sipping from a bowl of soup. But then again did gods pray? Hermes had joked about praying to mother Gaia, the mother of all life, but she couldn't tell if he was actually serious.

It all smelled too good. There were different fish on a three tiered dish, a variety of cheeses scattered on different silver plates around the table, two large pots of soup, dark breads and light breads, fruits, vegetables, olives, and nuts.

"Do you not eat?" Her body froze as Hades deep voice asked with a tone that suggested he didn't want to be talking to her at all.

Before she could answer Hermes replied first "She'd never been around gods or a water nymph before Hades let her take it in."

"Here." Dionysus handed her his second plate that didn't have the bites taken out. It held a little of everything just like she would have served herself. "Hes really not as scary as he wants you to think."

"Thanks." She said as he placed the plate and a bowl of soup in front of her. She'd kept her focus on the food before her instead of the eyes she could feel staring at her, like a hunter stalks its prey before knowing when to attack.

"That soups my favorite." Dionysus leaned in to tell her.

She offered a smile feeling completely out of place. Hel she was out of place. She shouldn't be here amongst gods. The thought alone was equally frightening and intriguing. "What is it?"

"Tortoise soup."

Hermes shuddered across the table.

"Hermes isn't a fan since he was forced to kill one to make Apollo's lyre." Dionysus explained.

"It wasn't just any tortoise, it was my own that I've had since I was born. And I'd prefer if you wouldn't bring it up so casually." Hermes pushed his own soup away disgusted.

Kore bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing feeling lighter than she had a minute ago. They both seemed so normal. It was hard to believe people idolized and prayed to them.

A deep ache clenched her stomach causing her to take a deep breath. It'd been years since she'd felt the pain of hunger from Metanira's punishments. Starvation didn't leave a physical mark so it was one of her favorites over the years if she spoke out of place while Celius was gone. Since he died the slaps, pinches, and pushes were more common since she didn't have to hide the marks as often. Still she was usually better at making sure she'd eaten enough so she didn't binge herself sick.

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