Chapter 4-The Voice

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Kore stared at the bed with a few dresses and pins laid out, the teacup from Alice the tea merchant, a book of fairytales from a little girl who pulled her hair, a gold bracelet from an old friend who shut her out after her father died, and a butterfly hair pin of Metanira's.

There was always a thrill taking things that didn't belong to her but she didn't do it for that. It was the eventual chaos she had inflicted up their owners, knowing they would be looking for it one day. A semblance of balance and control if only for the briefest moment. A right to a wrong.

She wanted to remember that feeling in this new town. She wasn't sure who she was going to be yet. Were they going to have servants or was it expected she would do the housework. Did they have land or a garden, or at least a potential for one? Would she have time to herself or would she be expected to host the other wives and gossip like Metanira did.

Going off of no information Kore left the plain scratchy tunics hanging in her closet hoping to never see them again. Thank the gods-or rather herself-for keeping some of the elegant dresses from her old life.

Kore spun around the room, looking for any last minute things she might think of to take with her. A couple of books Dora had lent her about the gods stood on her desk next to two burning candles. The black tapestry above it showed a bright full moon. Another thoughtful gift from Dora. Kore returned the favor by gifting her a bright orange tapestry with a bright shining sun on it. She had to sell one of her dresses to afford it but it was worth seeing the smile on her face when she opened the package.

Her heart ached at the thought of leaving Dora. Maybe her new town was one the priestess visited and they'd be able to see each other once in a while. Either way, the tapestry had to come if only to be her tether back to her friend.

Kore balanced herself one foot at a time onto the rickety old chair and slowly onto the thick wooden dresser.

A loud crash sounded from the hall just as Kore yanked the fastenings from the wall. Her foot caught the back of the chair instead of the seat, tipping backwards. A sharp pain stabbed at her shoulder blade as she landed on the wooden bed post.

She let out a silent yell. The pain caught in her throat. Dora was right, she was the clumsiest person.

It felt like hours until the burn in her chest eased from the pain. Immediately she stood and ran to the mirror next to her closet seeing a long gash from her shoulder to just below her armpit. She winced as she watched the blood drip down, passing one of the old pink scars, and seeping into her black dress. At least the dress was still intact. Not one thread had ripped.

The last thing she wanted was ask for Metanira's help but Adonis had already left and she couldn't let the wound continue to bleed down her back. She didn't have time to bathe again before the sacrifice.

Down the hall across the kitchen was the old servants closet that stored things for healing and cleaning. She grabbed one of the few bandages left on an empty shelf, ignoring the empty jars of salve she'd used up a while ago on her many accidents, and continued toward Metanira's room before she could change her mind.

The light beneath the the door flickered from the candles that were lit on the other side, but something stopped her before she could reach the silver handle. The hallway on the left that lead to their living room stood bare. The alter Metanira used to pray to the gods was gone. The table, the seven candles, the silver bowls, the salt, the wine, all gone.

That's when she heard the light whispers coming from behind the door. Angry whispering that grew louder and then lower again as they realized their volume.

Kore bent slowly to her knees to peer under the door. Her hand landed on scrapes she hadn't noticed when standing. It looked as if something heavy was dragged through the hall right into the room.

The smell of burning candles wafted under the door. Kore could see Metanira's dark green dress kneeling onto a white pillow in front of what Kore assumed was the alter. All she could see was the thick wooden curved legs of the table.

She didn't need to see the entire room to know what was happening. Metanira was praying to the gods. It wasn't unusual. But why move the alter to her room? The table had looked so heavy, and never budged the many times Kore ran into it over the years.

Kore turned her head closer to the door so her ear was pushed against the small lining at the bottom.

"I just can't do it anymore." Metanira's voice slurred angry. "We had a deal. She is to be married tomorrow. She'd no longer my problem."

"You misunderstand." A low feminine voice said plainly. "The deal was wealth and safety in exchange for your first born child. I found Celius who took you for a wife and I took your child. It's not my fault he is dead."

"Not that deal." Metanira hissed back.

"Ah. Well I don't think you have completed your end yet."

"My child back in exchange for watching after another. She is to be wed tomorrow. Her husband will watch after her."

"My deal is not with her future husband." The voice said simply. "And you seem to have misunderstood our deal. I promised your child's safe return so long as you care for another."

"How long..." Metaniras voice faltered slightly from her usual confidence.

"You think you'd be a good mother? You have neglected the one I gave you. You have forced her to serve you. Forced others to care for her. You have both verbally and physically abused that poor girl who only wanted your affection." The voice raised, "You are a horrible mother. You didn't deserve either of them."

"Did you make a deal with her parents? They have to want her back too? Can't we make a deal together?" Metanira pleaded.

An unfamiliar laugh echoed under the door.

"I am surprised you want the child you were so eager to be rid of in the first place."

Kore could picture Metanira's glare piercing the woman for daring to speak to her that way."I've never said this before, but I won't offer you another deal. Metanira you received what many never do. Wealth. Safety. And a baby to claim as your own. You've come a long way from the abused pregnant servant, wouldn't you say?"

Servant? Metanira always said she was... she didn't. Come to think of it, no one knew her background. She'd always done well at avoiding the subject.

"There has to be something."

"You tried to outsmart a God darling. There is nothing except to be grateful. You will continue to watch after Kore. Blood or not, you are her mother. But I must remind you the end of our deal because it's clear you have forgotten. The child you gave me is to be as cared for as the child I gave you. Their fates are mirrored."

Blood or not.

Only silence remained.

Kore wanted to push herself up from the floor but her arms grew heavy. She peaked under the door again but still only found Metanira kneeling in front of the alter. No sign of another woman.

You tried to outsmart a God darling.

That was impossible. Gods couldn't be real, walking amongst them. Talking and laughing. Making deals. The room seemed to grow quieter as she waited for more.

"Don't waste my time again." The voice demanded. A bowl landed in front of the door, sending salt through the small opening, right into Kore's eyes. She shot up from the ground, rubbing and blinking her burning eyes to clear them out.

Feet shuffled from the other side of the door. Kore pushed herself to her feet and raced down the empty hallway. She was sure she would have tripped over the alter if it had still been there. Using the wall to help guide her to the end of the hall she grabbed whatever cloak was hanging next to the door.

"Kore!" She heard form behind her.

But Kore was already slamming the door and stumbling toward town.

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