Chapter 2- An Unwelcome Surprise

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Rebecca Morgansen was hurting. She felt older than her 18 years. It had been a long day- the children had been especially trying. Her right leg throbbed and ached as she limped across the schoolroom to ring the bell that would dismiss her students. Once they left, she would finally sit down for the first time that day. She still had to grade papers, and prepare her materials, but at least she'd be able to rest.

The bell pealed out its familiar tones, and the children snatched up their books and slates, crammed them into pails and bookbags, and stampeded towards the door. 

'Goodbye, Miss Morgansen! See you tomorrow!' They chorused.

Rebecca forced a smile, knowing that on her lopsided face it looked more a grimace. She loved the children, and her work, but with the weakness that troubled her entire right side, some days were a struggle. Something she would never reveal, not wanting to give satisfaction to those who had doubted her ability to fulfil this role.

'Goodbye, Toby,' she addressed the tawny haired boy who towered over her, 'I'll expect an improvement in your behavior tomorrow. I don't want to have to pay a visit to your father.'

The young man grinned, the glint in his eye letting her know he couldn't make any promises. She shooed him out of the door, along with the last few stragglers.

Only after she closed the schoolroom door did she allow herself to face the pain. Rebecca didn't curse, but sometimes she wondered whether it would provide a small relief at times like this.  Shaking, she half fell into the nearest desk, her eyes tightly closed.

'Help me, Lord. Please, help me,' she whispered, fervently.

Her side cramped and her leg spasmed. She forced herself to breathe deeply, reaching into her apron pocket for the tincture Dr Barnes had prescribed. A drop or two was all she allowed herself. The preparation was strong, and she did not wish to become dependant on it. Or on anything.

After a few minutes, her body relaxed, her face smoothing. She opened her eyes, the cool spring breeze refreshing as it drifted through an open window. Her gaze was drawn to the swaying branches of the verdant trees, behind them, the soaring mountains, still snow capped, though the weather was unseasonably warm for May. She prayed it would hold until Liza's wedding next month. Her adopted sister and her fiance still had much to do to prepare their cabin.

She didn't allow her thoughts to wander for long. She must finish her work here, as she had promised Liza help with the sewing necessary to complete her trousseau. Then there would be chores, and they were expecting company tonight. Liza's fiance, Thomas Hawkins, as well as their older sister, Beth, and her family- Joshua and the boys.

Rebecca sighed. She had so hoped to have time for a walk to the beautiful little lake that sparkled in the valley beyond their land. Perhaps tomorrow.


When she reached home, she was surprised to find that everyone else was gone, apart from Jerry, the hired hand, who waved to her across the field. Mama and Liza must still be shopping. Father was most likely in town on some business matter. She dismounted Pepper, sliding onto the wooden step that had been constructed for her benefit, and lead the horse to the barn. She had better get started with supper preparations. 

'Good girl,' she spoke softly to the dappled grey horse, with a pat to the animal's nose. She latched the stable door, noting that Jerry had already refreshed the food and water. As she turned to head towards the house, a man suddenly appeared at the barn door. Rebecca gasped, softly. Although the bright sunlight threw his features into shadow, she knew this wasn't Jerry. This man was much taller.

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