Madhu and Khushi turned around and saw miss Della standing there.

Khushi and madhu : Hi miss Della!! 

Miss Della: Hi friends! 

Miss Della was a full figured flirty woman in her late thirties or early forties. She was school receptionist. Though called miss , Della was of the age to be called Mrs and mother of two children. But she never found someone worthy of her ( or so she thought). The handsome boys she liked already had a girlfriend. So she was still waiting for her knight in shining armor.

Madhu : Miss Della i have go to Mr. Mehra.

Della: Bye. 

After that Madhu went to library and Della also went away but Khushi was determined not to leave her friend alone. So she decided to follow Madhu. When Madhu reached library she saw Rishab already waiting outside. And then they both went inside.Arnav was waiting outside when miss Della saw him. Millions of guitars started playing in her heart as she saw her prince charming in Arnav. She slowly started pacing towards him. Arnav noticed that but now it was too late as she was too close to him.

Inside library

Mr. Mehra asked Madhu and Rishab to help him sort the various books lying on the table. Rishab felt suffocated there. Madhu and Rishab sat besides each other and opposite to Mr. Mehra. They were very careful not to fight again as neither of them wanted to be in each others company anymore without knowing the fact that the were always meant to be with each other.


Miss Della knowingly dropped her books in front of Arnav.

" ouch!!"

 Arnav bent and gave her books to her.

Della: Thank you!!! 

Arnav: your welcome. 

Della: (stared lovingly at him) How sweet!! 

Arnav: (surprised) Excuse me!! 

Della: (comes a little more closer and puts her hand on his arm) Where were you till now?

Arnav: What the?

Della: (blushes) So naughty (and playfully pats him on shoulder) 

Arnav then saw Khushi in corridor . He rushed towards her and tightly hugged her. She tries to push him away but couldn't.

Arnav: (loud enough for Della to hear) Where were you ? I was looking for you since morning. 

Oh!! so he too had a girlfriend . How lucky Khushi. Miss Della thought.

Inside library

soon Mr. Mehra asked Madhu to pass him the last bundle of books. As soon she got up she found someone pulling her back. She turned around and saw that Rishab was holding her hand tightly.And he had a stupid smirk on his face. 

Madhu : (whispering) leave my hand!! 

Rishab : Try yourself.

Madhu tried to free her hand but couldn't. 

Mr. Mehra: Miss Malik pass the bundle please. 

Madhu tries to lift the bundle with one hand but failed. And Rishab quickly left her hand. 

Madhu : Sorry sir, but it was his fault. 

Rishab : What? You are saying as if i was holding your hand under table.

And with that he winked at her.

Mr. Mehra : Shut up both of you. Now i want both you to put these remaining books in their shelves. 

Rishab : Both of us?? 

Mr. Mehra :  Yes you heard me right Mr. Kundra!! 

With that he left both of them alone inside.


As soon as miss Della left Arnav let go of Khushi. 

Khushi : (screams) Are you ou...

Arnav: (quickly covers her mouth with his hands. He didn't wanted to create a scene outside library) For God's sake shut up!! 

For a moment Khushi went numb and he felt himself drowning in her beautiful eyes full of mischievousness but quickly snapped back after hearing foot steps of Mr. Mehra coming outside.

Inside the library

Rishab : As if all this was not enough.

Madhu : You started all this.

Rishab : Had you kept your mouth shut in class , nothing like this would have ever happened. 

Madhu : You were trying to touch me. 

Rishab : Really ? ( starts to pace towards her) If i wanted to touch you i would have done it few minutes ago. Cause we are all alone and i can easily overpower you. 

Madhu looked around and her heart skipped a beat. She really was all alone. She quickly picked the books and moved towards the shelf. She pulled a stool to place the last book which was a little above her reach. 

Rishab : Can i help you? 

Madhu : Of course not.

Rishab : As you say. He stood in corner and watched place the books but as soon as she started to descend she slipped. He quickly came forward and held he. He had to admit she was too beautiful and even more when terrified. Madhu closed her eyes as she expected her head to hit the ground but instead felt two strong arms. She slowly opened her eyes and looked into the intriguing grey eyes staring at her intently. Just then Rishab heard Arnav calling his name. He quickly let go of her and removed his hand from her waist.

Arnav: Are you alright? I heard a scream.

Rishab : I am fine.

Khushi: Come let's go (pulled Madhu with her) 

Arnav: We had enough drama for today. 

Khushi : What? Hello Mr. who-ever-you-are . This all mess was started because of you. Had you not fought with me nothing would have happened. 

Arnav: Excuse me? You and your friend started all this drama.

Khushi was about to say something when madhu stopped her. 

Madhu : Let's go . I don't want to stay here. 

Khushi and madhu went outside. 

Rishab : Hey Arnav will you do one thing for me. please?

Arnav : Don't worry i will not tell anything to di. 

Rishab : You're great buddy!! 

That night Madhu, Khushi , Rishab and Arnav unknowingly kept thinking about each other.Next day the list of partners in English project work was out on the notice board.Rishab and Arnav read the names of their partners. 

Arnav : Khushi Kumari Gupta?? (don't know why but he feared her to be the same girl)

Rishab : And my partner is- Madhubala!! woah!! who is this legendary actress??

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