bright as the morning, as soft as the rain

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The nausea came to her first, when the daylight finally started to creep through the window into her chamber. And luckily for Gen, there was a bucket right there by her side, to empty out all of the consequences from last nights actions. Then the light was giving her a mind splitting pain in her head as she struggled to stay in the bed. The room was empty, at least from what she could see at least. She moved to see that her husband was not in the room, so at least he didn't have to see what just happened. What was wrong with her? Did they consummate their marriage? She didn't feel sore, other than her head, but there was blood on the linen sheets. She was confused, and did her best to try and remember what all happened last night, but the pounding in her head was causing issues with that.

The door barely made a noise, but the way that his bride hid under the blankets, Charles was right that she perhaps was hungover. Good thing that he came prepared, with a tonic and some dried ginger in hand. "Darling, mare?" He asked, sitting on her side of the bed and placing the tonic down on the nightstand. "I brought you something to help your head. And the nausea," he said, only to have a hand poke out from the blankets. "Nope, need you to come out from there," he said, pulling lightly at the sheets, unveiling his bride once more. "Take this, one shot, you seem to be good at that," he joked as he handed her the vial.

Genevieve sniffed the liquid. She could smell ginger, mint, valerian, along with other things that she couldn't figure out. But she took it all down in one shot, handing him back the vial. In place was a piece of dried ginger, which she had known that it was good for an upset stomach. Sometimes, her monthly courses came with small phases of nausea, which she was always given ginger for. She began to nibble on the root. "I don't remember much on what happened," she said quietly.

A small chuckle escaped Charles's lips, the same lips that Gen craved, even now. "We didn't do it, if that is what you are worried, but I did prick my finger to lay some drops of blood, to protect both of our reputations. I am a gentleman, I want to wait until you come to me. Although, you did cuddle up so close to me and slept so soundly, with every time I tried to move you, you would just move right back. So you seem to prefer this Englishman in your bed," he hummed, a bit smug like as he got up to pull some clothes out to get his bride dressed for their travels that morning. "Now, come on. The king and queen want to see us off, to our home," he said, making her stand up so he could get her dressed. He was used to undressing ladies, now he was dressing one, but he didn't want to call for ladies to help him. Charles was smart enough to figure out how everything worked.

Plus it did help that Genevieve was at least well enough to at least help in putting her traveling clothes on. There was, however, a strange sensation as he touched her waist, her thighs as he pulled her stockings on her legs. Soon she was dressed for travel, which for once, she hoped it was by carriage and not horseback. And he seemed to be right as both the king and queen were waiting for them. "There is the happy couple," the king exclaimed as he went to shake Charles's hand. Genevieve curtsied for the both of them as the king took her hand and kissed the back of it. "May your union be fruitful so my future son will have playmates," Henry boasted, which gained a good laugh from all around.

Genevieve looked around for her father but she could not see him. "Shouldn't we wait for my father to see us off?" She asked Charles, but the king stepped in before Charles could say anything. "The duke has already left, stating important business required his attention back in Scotland," the king said to the young woman. There was a clear look of disappointment, and only from the few interactions that Charles had with the duke, he wanted to strangle him for being the reason that Genevieve looked so sad in that moment. "We will write to him and extend him an invitation to come visit after you have settled in, my darling," Charles whispered to his bride, which worked in some sense.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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