just a figment of your imagination

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The next morning

Johnnies POV:

My head pounds even though I haven't opened my eyes yet. The warmth of someone holding me in their arms feels so nice on my cold skin. Also the stupid kids show bluey playing in the background is making me get a migraine..

I slightly open my eyes to everything blurry until I sit up.

"Oh good morning sunshine!" Jake says smiling.

"Uh good morning?" I groan getting up and went to the kitchen to take some painkillers.

The look of painkillers disgust me making want to vomit. I take them anyway and go to my room to get clothes to put on after I take a shower.

The water is so soothing but eventually it's time to get out.

I put on the clothes I had set out on the sink. Boxers first then pants and then finally a shirt me and Jake share. Technically it was mine at first but since it fit Jake we just share it.

I grabbed my toothbrush and put an insane amount of toothpaste on it. I brush until my gums can't take it anymore and start to bleed.

"Jake!" I called out seeing he wasn't in the living room anymore.

"Mhhm?" Jake hummed pokeing his head out of the laundry room.

"What happened last night?" I ask going over to Jake.

Jake's POV:

"What happened last night?" Johnnie asks coming over to me. My heart skipped a beat.

"Oh uh. Uhm- well..." I told him the whole story except the part where we kissed. "And uh that's basically it."

"Mh alright then. Do you wanna go to target again?" He asks and I agree.

I changed my clothes and went to the car and waited for Johnnie to get his ass out here.

"Dude I had this insane dream last night. It literally felt so real so I'm pretty sure it was!" Johnnie exclaimed.

"Huh uh and what was it about?" I ask.

"I was like sitting on your lap and I was apparently crying and then I kissed you." Johnnie exclaimed having a disgusted look on his face.

"Yeah.. it was probably just a figment of your imagination." I say muttering.

3rd person POV:

Jake and Johnnie eventually got to target and hoped they didn't kicked out this time. The dou looked around hoping to find things that they would actually use. They eventually found some things they might use but decided not to get them.

They continued their journey around the store Jake slumping behind any chance he got because he got "distracted".

"Jake?" Johnnie questioned, grabbing onto Jakes wrist gently sliding his own hand down to Jakes hand squeezing it.

"Gnhh.." Jake groans holding onto Johnnies hand not expressing himself through words.

Johnnie sighed eventually, letting go of Jakes hand. Jake had a sad look on his face but still didn't want to talk to Johnnie about last night.

The younger man, also the talker one, couldn't stop thinking of the 'dream' the shorter boy had. He didn't have the heart to tell Johnnie it was actually real.

Jake really didn't want to hurt their friendship even though he had a crush on Johnnie. It made his heart ache with guilt. He told his best friend about how he felt about something but this time he just couldn't.

Johnnies POV:

"Jake your acting weird. Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine why wouldn't I be!"

"Your zoning out and just groan whenever I try to say something."

"Oh well.. im fine forget about it."

"How can I forget about it when you keep doing it? Plus you keep trying to deny it!"

"I'm not trying to!"

"Well fuck me for trying to be a good best friend and check up on you!'

"Yeah, fuck you! I'm trying not to do things that'll upset you!"

"Well to late for that! If you'd just tell me what's wr-!"

"You really wanna know what's wrong with me!?"

"Yeah! I wanna know what's wrong so I can help you!"

"Your fucking 'dream' was true! There! I said it! Now leave me the fuck alone!" Jake stormed off leaving me with my jaw wide open.

So we actually kissed? This is what he's been nervous about, about telling me?

I had no idea what Jake was gonna do but I knew I had to quickly follow him before he does something stupid.

"What do you mean it wasn't a dream!?"

"It was all real! You on my lap, us kissing! All real!"

Jake sadly walked out of the store and just leaned on the wall. He had a sad expression on his face looking like he was going to cry at any moment.

"You told me 'Yeah.. it was probably just a figment of your imagination' !"

"Well forgive me for not having the heart to tell you!"


"Leave me the FUCK alone!"

I shook my head and scoffed.

"Your being absurd!"

"Fuck off!"

"Would you stop telling to fuck off!"

Jake rolled his eyes and softly spoke up.

"I just didn't want you to react badly even you fucking kissed me!"

I heard a familiar voice talking to another familer voice.

Turning my head I see it's Sam and Colby whispering louder than they anticipated.

I groan letting Jake do all the talking and start wondering how much of the conversation they heard. I was basically invisible right now since I was just zoned out.

"So Johnnie are you up to it?" Sam asks me.

"Huh? Up for what?" I ask.

"We're hosting a party at our house do you wanna go?" Colby says while Sam and Jake catch up with random things.

"Oh yeah I guess." I mutter.

"Perfect!" Colby exclaims.

We said our goodbyes and went out separate ways.

Me and Jake got into the car and drove home.

"So do you wanna talk now..?" I ask.


"Jake you know we're going to have to talk eventually."

"Just leave me alone please.." Jake says pulling into the driveway.

We went inside and Jake immediately went to his room and slammed the door.

I sighed and chugged the rest of the whiskey on the counter knowing that I was going to have a major headache in the morning.

Words : 1048

I'll post like every Monday :)

Your Love Is Just For Me {Jake Webber x Johnie Gilbert} Where stories live. Discover now