What an asshole

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⚠️ harsh words ⚠️

Jake's POV:

"JAKE!! GUESS WHAT FUCKERRR!!" Johnnie screamed from his room then came out with his gel gun.

I ignored him and prepared to be shot with the gun. He shot the gel at my back and it hurt like dog shit.

I stood up and put my phone in my pocket. I turned around and looked at Johnnie in a sorta angry tone.

"Johnnie. I'm tired. I'm tired of your shit today you've been nothing but annoying all day, and not to mention, you've been so fucking annoying since yesterday." I say already grabbing the gel gun and tossing it onto the couch.

Johnnie looked up at me and just looked down as he grabbed the back of his neck.

"I didn't mean it that. I swear."

"Oh? You don't mean it? I'm sure you fucking didn't." I say deepening my voice closer to the end.

"I really didn't mean it Jake! I'm sorry!"

"Hah. Sorry my ass, save it for later."

"I really am sorry.." Johnnie says and just walked away to his room sniffling. A second later his door slammed shut as something on his end fell. God is he trying to get on my fucking nerves?

I sighed and leaned over the couch grabbing the gel gun. I walked to Johnnies room and knocked on his door.

"Go away I said I was sorry.." Johnnie said his voice sounding a bit hoarse. I rolled my eyes and came in anyway.

Johnnie was sprauled on his bed his arm over his eyes. His jacket with all the pins actually zipped up.

I sighed and went over to Johnnie and sat next to him. He was sobbing into his arm apologizing.

"Johnnie-" I started but just pulled him close to me.

"I didn't think I was being annoying.." Johnnie mumbled quitting his crying fest.

"Well you were." I sigh angrily then get up letting Johnnie fall off the bed.

"Ow!" Johnnie laughed his iconic laugh.

"Johnnie what the fuck are you kidding me!?" I shouted and he just nodded laughing. "You fucker."

Johnnie reached under his bed tying to pull something out but got his hand stuck.

"Wait fuck-" Johnnie said trying to yank his hand out.

"I'm not helping you."

"Wait No! Jake!!!" Johnnie screamed. I left the room shutting the door leaving Johnnie screaming my name. Just the thought of him screaming my name makes me horny.

Johnnies POV:

"Jake! God damnit!" I screamed. "Come on!"

"Not until you learn your lesson!~" Jake's voice rang out in a sing song voice. He turned up his music leaving me speechless.

"God damnit Jake! Fuck you!!" I yelled eventually pulling out my hand from under the bed. My skin caught on the bed frame leave such a bad scratch.

Fuck.. I opened my door holding my wrist, where the scratch was, and went into the bathroom. It stung like fuck but I'm not a pussy.

I ran my wrist underneath the water and stood on my tippy toes to reach the cabinet that had the bandages and razors in it. I watched the blood run down my hand as I continued to rinse it.

The bandages stung when I put them on. I shut off the water and then put away the bandages as I stood on the counter.

I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen. I grabbed the strongest whisky we had and poured it into a glass. I of course chugged the whole thing and already felt drunk.

"Johnnie! Oh, Johnnie where are you?" Jake called out.

I ignored him and chugged two whole glasses of whiskey in one go. My mouth felt numb and so did my ass. I was sitting on the counter when Jake came downstairs.

"Johnnie!" Jake exclaimed.

"Mhmm." My drunk ass giggled.

"Oh my fucking hell what did you do to your wrist.

"Uh? Oh! That! Heh-" I giggled taking sips of the whiskey. Jake snatched the bottle from me and sat it by the stove, which was sitting opposite of me.

"Give it back!" I exclaimed gripping onto Jakes shirt.

"Johnnie oh my fucking god-" Jake said trying to loosen my grip on his chest.

"Give it!" I whined like a kid, kicking my feet against the lower cabinets.

"Stop whining baby." Jake sighed. I loved the little nicknames Jake gave me. I giggled but continued whining.

"Jake.. please..?" I mutter looking up at him putting one of my hands on his cheek and the other on his waist.

"Johnnie No I know what your doing you fucking fag." Jake scoffed.

I looked down at his belt and just hug him weeping. My face buried in his grey crop top and my arm and legs wrapped around his bare waist.

Jake sighed and patted my back soon picking me up bridal style.

He brought us to the couch and sat me down on his lap.

"Johnnie you know I didn't mean it." Jake sighed stroking my hair. I sniffed bringing my legs up to my chest.

Jake put me in-between his legs as he man sprawled.

"Jakey.." I muttered.

Jake's POV:

"Jakey.." Johnnie muttered sniffling into my chest getting his mascara everywhere.

That was one of the first times he's called me 'jakey' it was honestly weird but cute..

"Yeah Johnnie?" I say looking down at him.

"Am I really a fag?" Johnnie asked.

"No.. No Johnnie your not a fag. I'm sorry for saying that to you, it wasn't right."

"But how would you react if I told you I was a fag?"

"Johnnie- I'd still love you either way bud."

Johnnie laughed but soon was tearing up again.

"Hey don't cry." I say grasping his cheek with my free hand. I made him look at me, his glimmering blue eyes matched him so perfectly.

Johnnie leaned in and closed his eyes grabbing onto my cheeks with his small hands.

"Johnnie! Your drunk!" I exclaimed pushing him away slightly.

"So..?" Johnnie questioned grabbing onto me again and kissing me.

His lips were so soft and he wouldn't let go. Until he eventually did.

"Wh- hu- Joh- Johnnie!" I exclaimed as my face heated up. Johnnie was out cold calmly sleeping on my lap.

I scoffed in disbelief and just covered us up.

1047 words

Your Love Is Just For Me {Jake Webber x Johnie Gilbert} Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang