restless nights

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Song for this chapter: everything I wanted by Billie eilish

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Song for this chapter: everything I wanted by Billie eilish

"I had a dream, I got everything I wanted. Not what you'd think, and if I'm being honest it might've been a nightmare."

——— Inside Tannyhill

The inside of Tannyhill wasn't like anything she had ever seen, and she'd never get used to it, no matter how many times she'd been there. It was quiet, but not the quiet like her house. It was the quiet that was there when your mind was completely relaxed and you had no worries. With the sound of the ocean waves in the background, and tall ceilings- it felt so open and free. Only later would Haylee find out that wasn't really true.

Rafe led her upstairs and to the guest bedroom that sat across the hall from his. He leaned on the doorway as he watched her get settled in. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Rafe asked, and Haylee shot her head up to him. She hadn't expected him to ask that, which meant she hadn't planned out an answer for that question. Does she wanna talk about it? No. Does she need to talk about it for her own sanity? Yes.

She shifted her sitting position on the bed slightly as she thought of an answer, but all she could think of was to lie and say "No, I'm okay." And she gave him a small smile.

He didn't believe a word she was saying, but he didn't want to over step. He gave her a small nod before beginning to shut the door. "Goodnight, Haylee." He said before completely shutting the door and walking off.

——— A few hours later

The bed was comfortable, she didn't feel sick, and she was so tired- so why wasn't she sleeping? She's shifted positions for the past three hours, but no matter what she does her body can't seem to get comfortable in any of them. Not only that, but her mind wouldn't shut off. And normally when this happened, it would be because she had an anxious pit in her stomach over something others wouldn't even be phased by, but right now she had hundreds of thoughts going in and leaving her brain every second.

Did her dad run from the cops again?

Was he coming to find her?

Will he ever be out of jail again?

If he's out of jail, what's he gonna to do her?

Holy shit, She's in Rafe Cameron's guest bedroom.

Everything just seemed so out of place, and not in the good way. She didn't want to admit it, but a small part of her wish she hadn't come back. If she had gotten sicker she would've stayed in rehab longer, and she wouldn't have to deal with any of this. But the other, larger part of herself absolutely hated rehab. She hated the lectures they had every morning, and being weighed at the beginning and end of every day. She hated when the workers had to watch her in the bathroom to make sure she didn't hurt herself, or in some people's cases, puke her food up.

It was all so exhausting, and she didn't know how to deal with any of it.

——— the morning

Haylee didn't get much more than 4 hours of sleep last night- great, just what she needed. She rolled over in bed and picked up her phone. She squinted from the abrupt brightness, but when her eyes focused she realized JJ had messaged her, and it wasn't something she wanted to read.

You outed him? Are you kidding?

She sighed and put her phone back down. She knew he'd be upset, but she didn't think that he'd be defensive. She laid on her back and stared up to the ceiling and just thought of how she was going to go about this conversation with JJ. She knew he'd be waiting back at home for her, and her only way of getting there was Rafe. Which would only make the argument they were going to have worse.

JJ has always hated Rafe, along with all of the other Pogues. They looked at him like he was some type of monster, just because of the family he belongs to. They're all about standing up for Pogues and arguing they're unlike the stereotype that Pogues have- but when it came to Kooks, they always assumed the worst and never gave anyone a chance, except for Sarah. But they only gave Sarah a chance because they actually took the time to get to know her. But with Rafe, they'd never do that.

After a minute of thinking, she sat up in bed and looked at the room around her. The saddest thing about this was that she'd never slept in a room this nice- except for when she had sleepovers with Sarah, and even then her room was always messy.

She got up, made the bed and quickly put her hair into a messy ponytail. She didn't care how she looked, she just wanted this day to be over and to finally get some sleep.

She put her phone in the back pocket of her shorts, tied her shoes and walked out into the hall. Across the hall, Rafe was making his bed, and as soon as he heard the door of the guest open, he looked up and made eye contact with Haylee. She gave him a soft smile, and he returned it before walking over to her and leaning on the door frame.

"Get any sleep?" He asked and crossed his arms over his chest. She shrugged. "Some."

Rafe nodded, and grabbed his keys off of the table that sat next to him. "How about I take you home?" He asked and scanned her. She inhaled before nodding, and the two walked outside without speaking at all. Normally, it was awkward between them, but it was a comfortable silence- which they both enjoyed.

The car radio played quiet music in the background as they drove through the streets of figure eight, making their way to the cut. The drive to her house from Rafes wasn't far, but the areas they lived in were completely different. You'd think because they're only a twelve minute drive from each other, things would look similar, but that's not true at all. The second you crossed into the cut, all of the restaurants, big white houses, and golf carts disappeared. It was overgrown grass, the smell of fish, and broken down houses that looked abandoned.

"I should warn you-" Haylee began speaking and it caught the attention of Rafe. "Warn me?" He asked and furrowed his brows. "JJ is gonna be there. And, the house will probably look worse than it normally does." She admits and looks out the window, realizing they were only a minute away from her house. Rafe didn't respond with any words, he just looked over to her and nodded.

Haylee had this pit in her stomach that whatever was about to happen, she wouldn't enjoy any part of it.

They pulled into the driveway, and there he was. JJ, standing on the porch, leaning against the railing. She could see his eyes widen as he noticed Rafe was the one bringing me home.

This isn't going to be good.

I'm sorry I left, but it was for the best.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora