𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 two

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Ashlee's POV

I just got the call from my mom and I saw the nearest cashier person I saw and I talked to them.

Me: Hi, excuse me?

Cashier person: Hey ma'am, what can I help you with?

Me: My mom's water broke. Please help me.

CP: What?!

Me: Yeah, in the candle aisle

CP: Okay, I'll call security to come with us

Me: Can you please watch over our stuff?

CP: Yeah of course put it in here.

Me: Thank you so much

Once I talked to the cashier, she quickly got a security guard to follow us. We started walking as fast as we could to the candle aisle and while we were walking, I called my step-dad.

Me: Hey dad?

Dad: Yes, sweetheart?

Me: Dad, please come to the grocery store near our house.

Dad: Why? Honey, I'm at work right now.

Me: It's mom.

Dad: What happened to your mom?

Me: Her water broke. Come on, I'll send you our location. *sends him my location*

Dad: Okay, I got it. Me and your aunt are on the way. Just get your mom to calm down for me okay?

Me: Okay. She's right here, do you want to talk to her?

Dad: Sure.

I gave my mom my phone and she and my dad just kept calling until my dad and my aunt finally got there. They quickly made their way to us and knelt down to face my mom.

Aunt Maya: Hey sis *she smiles* how are you down there?

Mom: I'll be fine if you get me to the hospital *she glared at her*

Aunt Maya: Okay okay, don't kill me with your eyes *she puts her hands up*

Dad: Hey honey, are you okay?

Mom: I'm good *she smiles* I can't believe this is happening at a store

Me: Ma? What do you want me to do with the kids?

Aunt Maya: Why don't you bring them to the station? Everyone has missed you guys. I'm sure Vic and Andy won't mind seeing you again.

Me: Really? *I asked her excitedly* Ma is that fine?

Mom: Yeah, I know how long you've been dying to see your Aunt Vic and Tía Andy. Maya will drop you guys off at the hospital though unless you want to go back home.

Me: I think we'll go home after. I'm sure they want to start their summer break already.

Mom: Okay, well just check in once in awhile so I know they haven't murdered any of you yet *she chuckles*

Me: Always, mom *I laugh at her joke* be safe at the hospital okay?

Mom: I always am *she smiles* I love you butterfly

Me: I love you too mom

After I got the car and house keys from her, I walked away with the rest of my siblings following close behind. Before we left, I grabbed the grocery cart that had our paid stuff and pushed it out of the store. Everyone helped me unload the groceries in the trunk so that we could get to the station quicker. Once everything was packed, I watched everyone get into their seats before we made our way to the station.

The Neighbor (Kind of a Station 19 story)Where stories live. Discover now