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ALPHA KANE HAD CALLED ANOTHER PACK MEETING because there was a group of young boys in the pack, showing abnormal behavior. Alex and Julius were pretty skeptical about what they were going to see. The meeting was only held at the lake house only in emergencies. Alex and Julius walked into the lake house, filled with people. In the center were four little boys, all about the age of eleven. They were drawing a woman in a white gown on the floor. Her hair was dropped down to her shoulders. In her hand was a lantern. Alpha Kane saw Alex and pulled him over.

"There's something really weird going on here," he said. "Andrew, come here for a second." One of the little boys came over to Alex, a smile on his face.

"Can you tell my son what you told me? Why are you drawing this?" "Because I have to. It's a part of the reason why I was born."
"And why do you feel like that?"
"One day I died, and I saw her. And soon, I will die again, won't I?

And I'll see her again."
"That is all, thank you, Andrew." Andrew ran back over to his

"Who is that woman?" asked Alex.

"We are going to get a sketch artist in, and then I want every supernatural law enforcement agent looking for her," said Alpha Kane. Julius looked at the picture harder and noticed a strange necklace on the woman. There was a cloud with a lightning bolt going through it. That ambulant looked really familiar like he had seen it before. He started having flashbacks of his childhood. It was like he had seen that symbol in his house before. Alpha Kane looked at Julius as he was in thought.

"You know Julius, it is not a sin for you to try to reconnect with your parents," he said.

"You know sometimes, I hate this mind link thing." laughed Julius.

The pack continued to talk amongst each other as Julius and Alex sat in the corner.

"Have you and Raja made up yet?" asked Alex.

"No. He won't look at me, speak of me. I haven't even heard him thinking of me Alex. I really messed up."

"He can't stay mad forever. Plus, there's too much going on here for him to dwell on it."

"Speaking of that, do you think it's a coincidence that all of this started when Kate got here?" asked Julius, raising a brow.

"She's my mate, Julius. Why would you think of her like that?"
"I dunno man, I just get a weird feeling about her."
"You mean the same feeling that I had about Raja a couple of months

"I'm serious man, there's something not right with her." There was a knock at the lake house door. Alpha Kane slowly

walked to the door, and opened it, revealing the FBI agent Julius had slept with, and another man. He was light skin, his hair was pulled into a bun, and his eyes were a dark brown. The other man caught Julius's glare and growled a little bit. That agent was a wolf, and he was upset at Julius about something, but what was it?

"I'm Agent Keen and that's Agent Gray, we are with the FBI." said the agent.

"What can we do for you?" asked Alpha Kane.

"Well for starters, do you know how we can find Dr. Kate Shepard, it's my understanding that you and your son were the last to see her before tonight."

"I haven't seen Dr. Shepard since she came into my home and called my family murderers."

"What about you Mr. Kane?" asked Gray, pointing at Alex.

"I gave her a ride home after there was an attempted abduction of her."

"Did you make a report?"

"I did. It's all down at the station," said Alex.

"Great, we will also need to see her notes on the examination of Helena Blackwater."

"Why do you need to see those!?" asked Alpha Kane.
"That is not for you to know Alpha Kane," said Keene.
"You cannot and will not just come to my town, my home, and take

things whenever you wish."
"The council will not support your insubordination."
"The council can suck my ass, get out of here!" yelled Kane,

slamming the door shut.
Alpha Kane turned to Alex and Julius and said, "I want those notes

brought to me first thing tomorrow morning. The FBI has no business in my business."

Suddenly, red lights began flashing in the lake house, signaling that something was wrong. Everyone just stared up into the air for a moment, and then it was like the realization came out of nowhere.

"Someone broke into the tunnels," said Alex and Julius at the same time.

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