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YOU KNOW IT'S ONE THING TO PUSH A LADY, but it's another thing to brutally send me flying into the fridge. I shrugged it off and waited for Raja as he was getting dressed. He came out of his room and asked, "are we really going to see about the Purge?"

"Yes. However, I want to also see if anything like what happened to Helena or your patient has happened before."

The ride to the town's public library was very interesting. Raja informed me about what was going on with him and Julius, and I was completely disgusted. This is why I stayed away from dating. Men were just trash, and I could not deal with them. Raja was hurt from this, and I felt his pain, both in my heart, and where Julius had shoved me. He also told me that Julius said, "not to trust me." What threat did I pose to Raja or anyone for that matter? Plus, I just got here. We finally arrived at the public library. I led the way inside and was greeted by the clerk at the front desk. She was an old woman, light gray hair, and her eyes were covered with clear and circular glasses.

"Hello, I'm Ms. Connors. Can I help you find something?" she asked.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Connors, I'm Dr. Shepard. I was wondering if you could point me to where the town archives are?" I asked.

"Of course, dear. Which decade?"
"The 90's."
"Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry. That volume is not available to the public

and was given to the Kane packhouse. I believe they keep all of that stuff in their basement."

"Why was it given to them?"

"I'm not sure. I just know that the '70s and 90's volumes belong to them. Now, if there's nothing else, I was just about to go on my breakfast break."

"Thank you for your help."
Raja and I left the library and stood outside my car.
"Well that was a waste of time," said Raja.
"No, it wasn't. I think I know a way we can get into the basement of

the Kane's. It's risky."
"I love risky, what are we doing."
"Meet me back here tonight."
I drove Raja home and told him to feel better. As I was driving back

home, I remembered that I needed to stop by the grocery store to get vanilla extract. I pulled into the nearest Walmart and quickly walked inside. Walking down the aisle, I noticed two women staring at me. They looked to be the same height, one was a redhead, with unnatural blue eyes, and freckles. The other one had flawless skin, and her eyes were glowing red. I tried losing them in the store, but everywhere I looked, I saw them. Forgetting the extract, I walked back into the parking lot, seeing the girls walk after me. I fumbled for my keys through my keys. The blonde-headed girls turned into flames as the two continued to walk toward me. Their slow walks turned into runs and I froze in panic. I put my hands in front of me as a pink light flashed in front of me. I opened my eyes, wondering why I wasn't a flaming Cheeto yet. The two girls were frozen in front of me. I began hearing voices.

"It's her, get her you fools. Why aren't you moving, you're under my control! Send in the other ones." said an unfamiliar, male voice. I wasn't about to stick around and wait for the other ones to come along, whatever they were. I finally found my keys and drove away from the parking lot. No doubt, the Kanes' had something to do with that little attack on me. Something bigger ate at my mind, was that me that froze that girl... with my hands? All I saw was this bright pink light, and then voila, they weren't attacking me anymore. And where did that voice come from? I

could barely concentrate on the road, I was terrified. I looked in the rear- view mirror, seeing that the girls were back. They were wearing rollerblades, going and coming after my car. Great. I sped up, in hopes that they would disappear.

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