⚠️⚠️1 Month left⚠️⚠️

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Hello everyone! The extermination is officially 1 month away!! I hope you all downloaded Angelic Security before then 😬😬

Also I've got some complaints about our new daily fee. Well.. everyone this is Hell it costs to live you know plus.. I need the money to go home and feed the kids 😔

But we have some news :)
Adam and his weird little Angel goth friends are going to Disney Princess and her pests first which is a definite watch for me 💅

Right now I only have like 3 normal Voyeur Scopes left so I need to start hiding everything from Valentino before he turns all my brand into the Lust Ring 🥴

You know what- everyone Vote right now

♡︎♡︎Pleasure Scopes♡︎♡︎: >>>>>>>

Voyeur Scopes: >>>>>>>>>

Anyways back to panicking..
The timer has started in Angelic Security and pay $5.27 a day or it'll explode in your pocket and have fun loosing your dick and family!

(The writer of the script: Wait sir we care about the citizens of Hell!)


*Reading off signs* Yes.. We care about your safety.. and buy our product.. so you don't get fucked over by the Angelic Emo's!!

Also when this extermination is over this year we are bringing VoxNite to the News along with embarrassing poor people we find on the streets of Hell..

*Tv cough*

I care about you all, Bye!
What he actually meant: (I care about your money!)

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