Mr Sebastiani's arrival.

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This continued up until the moment when a famous detective, Elias Sebastiani arrived in the town where Morte moved to. He couldn't allow this to continue, his heart was breaking for people who were left without their friends or family, for all the victims killed by the mysterious "God", as the serial killer named themselves. He was sure - this one will give him a lot of headache, but it will be worth it at the end, when killer will be caught. As Elias tried to connect any dots together, Morte started to distract him from it, by causing "accidents" happen to him. Firstly, they were quite funny, like a pranks of a little kid. Then, "pranks" became more serious - Elias' family members got into hurtful accidents, some of them even died. That made Elias paranoid... and disappointed with himself. A monster that he tries to catch is just sitting and watching his efforts, probably laughing at pathetic attempts of catching them. To fix it, Elias became even more obsessed with his job than he already was, paying less attention to his girlfriend. And yes, he had a girlfriend. Her name was Agatha, she was a police officer. Her behavior and personality could be described as reckless, yet brave and kind. She didn't like that Elias started paying less attention to her, however she still loved him. Now back to story. Morte started to stalk Elias, trying to see his determine his weaknesses, strenghts, and his moves in plan of catching Morte. Once he figured out that Elias has a girlfriend, Morte decided to seduce her and slowly drive her attention away from Elias, so she wouldn't help him. It could be useful for Morte as well, since she could convince others about him being innocent, in case anyone would suspect him. So, finding a perfect timing, Morte approached her and gifted her a beautiful bouquet of flowers, telling her that he admires her hard work and her husbands' one as well. Agatha, who didn't achieve much affection from her husband anymore, really loved how gentle and affectionate Morte is with her. And of course, she couldn't help but notice his angelic voice and blue eyes that stared right into her soul. Agathe didn't realize it, but she was already in death's trap.
When she came back home to Elias, she told him about the "gentleman" who approached her and gave her flowers. Elias wasn't happy about that, so he decided to meet whoever it was. His paranoia was getting the best of him... he thought - "maybe this person is a serial killer I am searching for?", his mind was focused only on that. Morte gladly agreed to meet Elias, in attempt to fool him and convince Elias that he is totally innocent and can't kill anyone. They met up in a cafe, at the time when it was quiet and almost no one visited it. Morte came a bit late, Elias was already waiting for him, as he got there 2 hours before Morte comes, due to paranoia.

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