This Is Wei Wuxian Seeking His Revenge - Fin

Depuis le début

"Oh, we met when we were young like very young. I don't have a family, Ge doesn't have a family, so we become brothers. San Lang also help save me when I fall down toward the abyss. He also help with Lan Zhan injury."

"Xian ge!" Hua Cheng and Xie Lian turn around while Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang look behind the two. "Wangji xiong?"

Lan Wangji walk up to the four with Wen Yuan, Ouyang Zizhen and baby Jin Ling in his arm. " Huaisang, what are you doing here?" Lan Wangji asked as he handed Jin Ling over to Wei Wuxian.

"Wei xiong show me where you two are living."

"Nie gongzi, we are about to have dinner. Do you want to join us?" Xie Lian asked as he bend down to gather Zizhen and Wen Yuan into his arm. Hua Cheng pick up Jingyi, "Of course I would like to join you."

"Then please follow us."

After dinner is over Wei Wuxian open a portal for Nie Huaisang to head back to the Nie clan, "I will ask da ge to see if we can take Zizhen into the Nie clan as our didi. But how will I let you know?" Nie Huaisang asked.

"Here," Xie Lian hold a silver small bell in front of Nie Huaisang, "ring this bell, I will hear it. I will let A-Xian know that you want to talk to him," Nie Huaisang take the silver bell from Xie Lian hand.

Nie Huaisang look at Wei Wuxian, "I will let you know what Da ge answer is," Wei Wuxian nodded his head. With that Nie Huaisang step through the portal that will take him back to his sect.

Once Nie Huaisang is gone Hua Cheng look at his didi, "Well Wei Wuxian, did you get your sweet revenge?"

Wei Wuxian eye glow crimson red, along with a smirk on his lip, "I did. They all said their regret, they know what they did was wrong. The only people who is still there is Jin Guangshan, Su She, Sect leader Yao and sect leader Ouyang." (I hope this is right? If I am wrong, please let me know. Thank you!"

16 years later

Nie Huaisang takes Zizhen back to the Nie clan, Nie Mingjue accepted Zizhen into his family since he need someone to take after his didi Nie Huaisang.

Jin Rulan, he still stay with Wei Wuxian to learn more about how to be a sect leader when Hua Cheng and Xie Lian help Jin Ling to rebuild a new Jin clan in LanLing.  "Been a sect leader is too hard Cheng Shushu (Hua Cheng not Jiang Cheng)." Jin Ling lay flat on the floor on his back.

"You will get use to it, how about we take a break?" Jin Ling sit up with a smile on his face. "Okay!"

Lan Yuan now Lan Sizhui is studying with Lan Wangji since he want to know more about the Lan clan. Lan Jingyi is also in the same room with them as well, "I'm glad your here papa, you don't deserve to stay in the Lan clan when your uncle treat you like that, same with the way the treat father." (Let's said that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji got marry a year ago okay?)

"A-Yi, A-Yuan, Lan Zhan, come o-" Wei Wuxian didn't get to finish what he said when a voice saying, "Jingyi! Yuan ge! Come on, Zizhen is waiting for us!" Jin Ling run into the room.

"Waiting? Where?" Sizhui asked as he changed his clothes with one wave of his hand, "in the mortal realm, there is a festival in his town. Huaisang Shushu is inviting us to join the festival." Jingyi also changed his clothes as well.

"A-Ling calm down will you," Wei Wuxian put his hand on top of Jin Ling head, "Xian Shushu!" Wei Wuxian chuckle at this.

"Is everyone ready?" Jingyi, Sizhui and Lan Wangji look behind Wei Wuxian and Jin Ling, the two turn around to look at Hua Cheng and Xie Lian, "ready to go." They all left the spiritual realm to head to Qinghe town.

Xie Lian walk with Hua Cheng, with Zizhen, Jingyi, Sizhui and Jin Ling, the three of them jump from one vendor to the next.

Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian hold each other hand as they look at their family in front of them. "I'm glad that you didn't die, I don't know what I will do without you. I won't be able to have a happy family like this."

"So do I, Lan Zhan, so do I. I am also glad that you came after me and stay by my side. I don't know what to do without you."

"No matter how far we are apart, I can always sense you. Now that we have a family, I will always know where they are at."

Since the festival is at night and full of people going around having fun, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji turn to look at one another, "Stay by my side forever won't you, Lan er gongzi?" Wei Wuxian have his other hand on Lan Wangji cheek.

"I will always stay by your side Wei Wuxian."

Wei Wuxian lean in closer, closer, closer, closer and closer as he kissed Lan Wangji on his lips.

The two soulmate will forever stay with one another because nothing can separate them. They live a happy life along side Hua Cheng and Xie Lian. And so this is the story of how Wei Wuxian seek his revenge against those whose did him wrong.

The End

So what do you guys think? Leave me a comment okay? Good comment please not a rude comment. Thank you for following me along on this journey to write this wonderful story about Wei Wuxian seeking his revenge. See everyone in my other stories! Bye Bye!

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