Trailer 1 "The Attack"

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Location: New York City, New York, United States of America

"Breaking news, a plane has crashed into the world trade center, in New York City. Police are beginning an investigation as we speak, while firemen are currently attempting to find any survivors. We'll keep you updated on this tragic event."

They want justice...

Date: 09/11/2001

"This just in, a second plane has crashed into the second tower. New reports after the second crash about the investigation are making the police speculate that this could be a terrorist attack."

They want revenge...

Event: 9/11

"Breaking news, the first tower has fallen."

We forced them to do this...

"Recent reports of a third plane crashing dangerously close to Washington, DC."

They want the human race gone...

"This is the leader of the White Fang. I wanted to begin this broadcast by saying that it was us that attacked the World Trade Center. Consider this a declaration of war against the human race. We may be few, but our strength is unmatched."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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