12. Travels

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I hummed along to the music in my ear buds as I took pictures of everything 141 collected on Konig.

Once done, I waved to the cameras and left.

Looks like Konig just disappeared off the face of the earth.

But I know some people that can help me.

I danced along to the music in the underground club.

Music was blasting and lights were shining.

"Haven't seen you here for a few years."

I turned, still dancing to see a tall man.

I kept dancing.

"Wanna take this to a private room?"

He grinned and off we went.

Once he locked the door, I sat on the bed.

"What do you want, YN? You're married and have kids, so I highly doubt you're here to sleep with me."

"I need information. You keep tabs on everyone. That's why I came." I said putting my phone to charge.

"Who do you want to know about?" Rodger sat next to me.



"Konig. He's part of KorTac."

"Ah, KorTac. The ones that will hire or serve anyone."

"I'm only after Konig."

"This is gonna be dangerous."

"I got this. Just give me the information."

He took out a laptop from under the pillow and began to type.

"I'd say he's in Mexico."

"Mexico? What's his big ass doing there?"

"No idea."

We talked for a bit before I left with the information.

Gotta take a trip back to good old Mexico. Haven't been there for a hot minute.


"Why hello there! Have you come to your senses and left behind your husband and kids for me?"

"I need you to fly me to Mexico."

"Again? Don't you think they'll look there if you run away?"

"I'm not running away. I'm hunting Konig."

"Ahh. I'll be right there."

I stepped out of the helicopter and looked around.

"Where are you going?" Steve asked curiously.

"To someone that knows all of Mexico."

"Aye aye captain. I'll be here!"

I walked through the trees and pointed my gun once the building came into view. There were guards all around. I just gotta make a path and get in.

I shot the two guards and ran inside.

La di da di da.

I shot a few more guards and then found an elevator.

Yup, this'll do.

I got in and took it up.

Once it opened, I stepped out.

"Valeria? You in here?"

"Que quieres?"

"There you are." I huffed as she turned around in her chair with a knife.

"I need to find someone. And you're going to help me." I walked over and sat on her desk.

"Let me get this straight. You kill my men, force your way in and come to my office uninvited... and you expect me to help you? I don't help anyone!"


"Get out!"

"No. You're going to help me find Konig."

"Who and why would I?"

"Konig. And because I'll tell Alejandro exactly where you are."

She threw the knife at me but I caught it.

"Now, are you ready to help?"

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