7. Not So Calm

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"Stop crying. Come on, let's eat. I have to get you ready soon.

"No, I wanna be with mami!" Kiara wailed.

"Stop it. Come on." He took Kiara by the hand and she followed while crying.

"Starla, Cosmos, you too."

The twins held on tightly to me and screamed when their dad tried to grab them.

I wanted to cry too but I knew that Simon needed my help.

"Come on! Don't you wanna eat?" I smiled and stood up.


"What do you mean no? You guys love eating."

"Your mom worked hard on breakfast." Simon said pulling Starla off me and put her into a chair where she screamed.

Cosmos screeched as Simon reached for him.

"Come on. You need to eat. You guys have school in a few hours." I smiled as tears prickles my eyes.

I helped Simon pull him off me and I went into the room to cry.

It feels like that's all I do nowadays.

Cry cry cry.

I gasped for breath and wiped my face.

"I'm fine. I'm okay." I whispered.

After taking a shower, I got dressed and went downstairs to kiss them goodbye.

I sat in the living room, there was nothing to do.

Simon cleaned up before he left.

Then I started to see him again.

I started to see and hear him.

I could feel his hands all over my body, it was awful.

I screamed.

I don't know how long I screamed for but I stopped when there was a knock at the door.


I looked at the clock.

It's too early to be Simon with the kids.

"Police, can you open up?"

I paused.


What if it's actually Konig, and he's pretending to be the police?

I grabbed a knife and walked over slowly as they knocked again.

I started to shake.

Why am I shaking?

I've never shaken before killing somebody before.

I opened the door and saw two cops and three squad cars.

"Hi, I'm officer Green and this is my partner, Officer Penny. We were called because we got a few calls about someone is distress?"

"It's only me here... maybe it was another house."

"We heard the screaming coming from this house."


"Do you mind if we come in?" He asked.

"Oh... not right now. I'm busy."

"Is there someone else in the house?" The girl cop asked.

"No, it's just me. My husband and kids aren't here right now."

I looked past the cops and saw Konig leaning again the fence of the our house.

He had a phone to his ear.

He waved to me.


That's him! He actually found us this time!


I looked at the neighbors right next to our house. She was poking her head out the window with a phone to her ear.

That's how he found us!?

"Ma'am. Are you alright?" The male cop asked.

"I'm fine. I have to go."

"No, why don't you come out here and talk to us?"

"I don't wanna talk."

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For UsWhere stories live. Discover now