3. Hmm

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I vacuumed the house and then fished what I had to do with a cry session or two in between.

I took a cold shower and then started to dry off.

I looked up into the mirror and saw Konig walk up behind me.

I froze as I saw and felt him put his scared hands on my shoulders.

"Mein kleiner Vogel..."

"FUCK OFF!" I punched the mirror, shattering it.

I started to cry again and covered my face with my good hand.

I finally calmed down and noticed the glass in my hand.

There was blood splattered everywhere, and my white towel hand red on it.


I shook my head and plucked the glass out of my skin and cleaned up the bathroom before bandaging up my hand once again and getting dressed.

I looked at the clock.

Simon is picking the babies up today.

"Beep beep."

I looked down at Budge as she zoomed by on a mini skateboard.

"Be careful, bud."

"Beep beep." She chirped and turned into another room.

She's so cute.

I don't feel like cooking.

Especially not with an injured hand.

I ordered some pizza, pasta and wings.

After it got here, I put out the plates and made some lemonade.

And yes.

The fresh lemon juice burned like hell.

Just as I finished cleaning up, I heard the door unlock.


"Yeah! And then! And- and then!"

"Daddy! Look look at me! Are you looking!?"

"I'm looking Starla."

"Can we have ice cream for dinner, daddy?"

"No, Cosmos."

"And then- MAMI!"

The three ran over and hugged me tightly.

"Hi my little ducklings!"

"Is that pizza!?" Kiara asked excitedly.

"Did you get wings!?" Starla gasped.

"And pasta!" I smiled.

"Aww, I wanted ice cream for dinner..." Cosmos crossed his arms.

"Come on, I made lemonade. You can have ice cream for dessert."

"Okay, mami."

I kissed Simon on the lips and smiled.

"Your heart is going a million miles per hour." He muttered.

"I'm okay."

"What happened to your hand?" Simon asked taking it in his.

"Oh, just cut myself while cutting lemons."

"I'm sorry, love."

"It's okay."

"Mami! Daddy, let's eat!"

"Okay, Chica. Hold your horses."

I helped the kids serve themselves food while Simon served the drinks.

We started eating and talking about our days.

"Okay, bath time." I stood up and stretched as Simon cleared the table.

"Nooo!" They all whined.

"Yesssss!" I whined back and I hurried them off to the bathroom.

After getting them all clean, watching them brush their hair and teeth, I read them a bed time story, kissed them goodnight and walked to the kitchen.

Simon was drying his hands as he grabbed a cup and bourbon from the bar.

He looked up from his drink and smiled at me.

I smiled back and walked up to him.

"Don't go into the room bathroom."

"Why not?" He took a sip of his alcoholic beverage.

"Just cause."

He chugged his drink while holding eye contact before finishing and putting the glass down.

He walked past me and went up the stairs.

"Crap, where are you going!?"

He made it to the room and walked into the bathroom.

"Don't turn on the light!"

He did and saw the shattered glass.

He looked at me confused.

"I'll fix it...?"

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For UsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum