Hoshi:well Queen Jisoo and Suho already checked it have our names now one of us will be choosen as her future prince *smile*

Luna:stop smiling and I guess I don't know many things about Ossory or Suho nevermind that time my only thinking was that what if Suho is like his past life *sighs*

Woozi:past life? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:nevermind and what about the verification of Namjoon and Tae I mean they are Mia grand-fathers *serious tone*

Mingyu:well Queen Jisoo said that your and King Seokjin decision matters more then others *calm tone*

Luna:hmm....I see well for now go back to Ossory and come to our mansion tonight with Jisoo and Suho then we will talk about that *smile*

Vernon:ok but just tell us what type of boy will Princess Mia like? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:ahh....i don't know she is Jisoo daughter so for sure she will be like her little bit *thinks deeply*

Joshua:its ok Queen Luna we will visit you all tonight *smile*

Luna:that will be good and yes make sure to inform Mia uncles and aunts about tonight I also want them *eyes on file*

Mingyu:hell no I am not going to Inferno to see him *rolls eyes+whispered to Woozi*

Luna:for your kind information Mr.Kim I can hear you beside this Mia is very precious for us and I want everyone's opinion for this its about her future *glared*

Woozi:well will inform them Queen Luna *bows*

Luna:ok leave now *red eyes*

They all gulped and walked outside well how can they something like taht about Yeonjun ahhh.....its been a long time I didn't met my son I wonder what will be he doing nevermind tonight we will spend some family time I smiled thinking this and again started working


Jin Pov

I was in my office checking file with concentration suddenly Luna face came in my mind and a smile on my face I wonder what will be she doing right now actually should I visit Choi Industries I mean I am there business partner

I chuckled thinking this well I should visit cuz now I want to meet her and see her also now when she is not receiving time and love from Tae and Namjoon then it's my chance without any second thought

I walked out of my office building towards my car and soon I reached Choi Industries I walked directly towards the cabin of head manager well Luna i am here for you I chuckled at my thoughts I walked inside and saw her checking some files

Jin:may I come in? *eyss on luna*

Luna:what the fuck?why no one is letting me work peacefully *annoyed tone*

Jin:woah cool down Mrs.Kim that much anger is not good for a beautiful lady *walks inside*

Luna:what you need Mr.Kim as far as I remember our meeting is after one week so why you're here now *calm tone*

Jin:I am not here as Mr.Kim I am here as your husband Luna *walks towards her*

Luna:aghh....atleast close the door what is someone will hear us everyone knows you already have a wife *closes door*

Jin:well what was you doing? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:I was making stone crafts will you join? *sarcastic tone*

Jin:*chuckles* by the way Lucy told me about the thing happening between you,Tae and Namjoon *walks towards her*

Luna:so what?are you thinking you have a chance? *rolls eyes*

✔️7 Deadly Sins (Part-3)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu