The First Meeting (Edited)

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**Slight warning, Kayden does curse and is very sarcastic but that is a part of his personality and a necessary part of understanding his character. If cursing offends you, you shouldn't continue because most of Kayden's POV's will include cursing. I have added an asterisk's to the curse words to make them less harsh.

The First Meeting- Edited

*Kayden's POV, flashback to freshman year*

"Kayden seriously?! Wake up or dad is going to flip out"

I open my eyes and immediately notice my annoying brat of a sister standing at my door with her arms crossed. All I know is that it's way too early and way too bright and I'm way too tired for this shit.

"Jeez Sarah I just woke up. Chill out for two minutes." I snap back. Does she not have one sympathetic bone in her body? Her and my mom are so alike its crazy. They need everything perfect and on a schedule and sometimes I don't mind, but on days like today it's really f*cking annoying.

Two days ago I experienced my first change into my wolf. It usually happens right before you enter high school and two days ago was my lucky day. It hurt like a bitch and apparently it's going to hurt like that the next few times I change, yay. Anyway, today is the day that I meet with everyone in my pack and celebrate the fact that the Alpha's son has finally made the transition. My parents think it's a huge deal and couldn't be more excited, but me on the other hand, it's just another day.

"Kayden, honey, are you getting up? Your sister needs to use the bathroom to do her make up but I asked her to wait until you're done in the shower."

"Yeah mom, I'm going now." There is one person in this world that never gets the shitty end of my attitude, my mom. I love her to death and I can't be rude or sarcastic with her. I honestly have no clue how we share the same DNA, she's an angel on earth and I'm probably one of the biggest a**holes around.

I walked in the bathroom and splashed some cold water on my face in an effort to wake myself up. I sighed as I look at myself in the mirror. My brown eyes were droopy, looking as though I hadn't slept in days, even though I sleep all the time. My black hair growing out a bit longer than I like because I just don't have the time to get it cut. I was just about to jump in the shower when my lovely sister began banging on the door.

"Seriously Kayden it's been a half hour since I came to wake you up! Hurry up!!"

I didn't even bother replying, I just got a quick shower and went in my room to get dressed. I wasn't sure how fancy I was supposed to dress so I just threw on a black t-shirt, jeans and my boots. I must have gotten ready just in time because as I was running down the stairs I heard the doorbell ring meaning our first guests of the night had arrived and the torment was about to begin.

"Kayden! Sarah! Come say hello to our guests." My dad's voice boomed through the house and immediately I knew that he'd used his alpha voice, probably because he knew I'd try to argue. That is one thing that I cannot wait to acquire, my alpha voice. Not only does any wolf in your pack have to do what you say, but it also sounds intimidating and strong.

I slowly walked into the living room and saw a bunch of people from our pack spread out and some lingering through our dining room into the kitchen. Great. Ten minutes in and my house was already getting crowded.

"Kayden! There you are babe! I've been looking all around for you!" Kristy squealed. God I hated her voice. It sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

"Oh, yeah I guess I have been." I responded flatly, praying she'd leave me alone. Kristy is the daughter of my dads third in command, Jeff. I guess you could say she's had a crush on me since we were kids and now that we're older it's developed into an unrequited love. She has this crazy idea in her head that we'll be mates one day. When wolves are 18, they start to search for their mates and until you're 18, you have no idea who it could be. But trust me, she's not my mate. Don't get me wrong, Kristy has some great qualities, she has a rockin' body and looks that could kill a man. But something about her doesn't feel right, being with her doesn't feel natural or easy. I actually don't even enjoy being around her, I can't be too rude though because I know my dad would kill me if I upset Jeff's daughter. So I'm just waiting for the day that her and I find our mates and they aren't each other.

 The rest of the night passed relatively easy, I made my rounds talking to people and out of the kindness of my heart I hugged Kristy goodbye.

"How's my baby boy feeling after that long day of socializing?" My mom teased as she grabbed my cheeks in her hands. I couldn't help but smile.

"Mom stop," I said I took her hands off my face. She smiled and gave me a hug.

"You need to stop growing, you're already over a foot taller than me." This was true. My mom is a petite woman, standing at 5'3" and my 6'4" frame towers over her. I guess I get my height from my dad seeing as he's 6'2".

"You're just too short mom, drink some milk." I laughed. She smiled,

"Do me a favor love, go in the kitchen and make sure the caterers don't need any help cleaning up."

I sighed and rolled my eyes, but I nodded my head and did what she asked. I couldn't say no to her, she does so much for my sister and I, I like to repay her in any way I can. She practically raised us on her own, when we were born the pack was going through a hard time and as Alpha my dad was constantly busy making sure everything got back to how it should be. Don't get me wrong, my dad was always there for us and made sure to do fun things with us as much as he could, but he has a responsibility as the pack leader. A responsibility that I'll have one day soon.

I walked around into the kitchen and my eyes drifted over to a tiny girl leaning on the floor on her hands and knees wiping up something that must've spilled. I immediately knew she was not a werewolf, she smelled only of human. I could only see the back of her head, she had curly brown hair that naturally fell off her shoulders and a glorious a*s that I currently had the pleasure of viewing. So I leaned on the counter and decided I'd wait for her to turn around. She started to stand and then turned around to look for what I'm assuming was the trash can.

"Oh my gosh!! You scared the daylights out of me!" She screamed as she held her chest and stared at me accusingly. Damn. She was the cutest thing I've seen in a long time. She had green eyes that were so alluring, I could probably get lost in them. I've never much liked curly hair, but this girl was definitely turning me into a fan. I couldn't help but smile as I took in her arms crossed and the angry look she was currently shooting in my direction.

"Were you staring at my butt?" She questioned. Her cheeks immediately turned red and I could tell that she regretted asking that question.

"What's your name?" I asked, curious about this beautiful mess of a girl standing before me in my kitchen.

"Tell me yours first."

"Kayden. Kayden Lockheart." I stated proudly. I'm guessing she recognized the name because she immediately straightened and her look turned serious.

"I've heard the name around school. Well I'm sorry Kayden, but I have to go now, my mom is probably waiting for me outside. I'll see you around I guess." She quickly began to walk out of the kitchen before I could even respond.

"Hey, wait a second!" I called, knowing she was long gone. She didn't respond and I heard the front door shut a second later. Hmm, weird. I guess she's heard about my not so great reputation. Well, onto the next one.

"Who was that, honey?" My mom asked as she came through the doorway and finished rearranging a few small things around the kitchen.

"I honestly have no idea."

"She was cute." My mom said as she looked at me with a smirk on her face.

"Don't start with me mom," I smiled "she ran away from me so fast all I felt was the wind of her passing by." My mom laughed as I walked out of the room and headed towards my bedroom.

"Goodnight mom!" I yelled as I walked up the stairs. I was in my room before I could hear her reply. I changed into some basketball shorts and collapsed in my bed. The last thing I remember seeing before I went to sleep was the curly-haired beauty's face in my mind as I drifted off to sleep.

**If you have just started this story, STOP HERE. The next chapters are from the old version of the book and will make no sense. I think I'm going to unpublish them anyway so that they aren't able to be viewed. Thanks for reading(:

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