Chapter 1: Chaos

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"All citizens are suggested to proceed to the nearest evacuation sites." the TV reporter announced.

"Lea! Grab your stuff and get downstairs! Hurry up, your brother is already there!" yelled Seth as he peaked inside his daughter's room.

Lea grabbed her clothes from inside her closet and placed it inside her backpack.

"Honey, are you done packing our stuff?" Seth asked his wife as he went inside their bedroom. "Yeah, I also got our money out of the safe already." Liberty replied. "Alright... let's get downstairs now." said Seth as he grabbed one of their luggage from the bed.

"Once again, the military is advising all civilians to proceed immediately to the nearest evacuation centers within their area." the TV reporter announced. "I've just recieve words that we are now going off the air... we will return on the air once we've moved to a safe place. GOD HELP US. This is Mike Andrews reporting for CNC, Central News Channel." Mike announced. After a few seconds the station went off the air and the emergency broadcast immediately took charge.

"Lea, Zero... get in the car already." said Liberty as she was going down the stairs while carrying one of their bags. "Seth, help the kids get in the car." she added as she put down the bag she was holding and went straight to the kitchen.

 "Alright kids, come on." said Seth as he carried the bag Liberty put down and his bag to the garage. Lea and Zero followed him there while carrying their own luggage.

Liberty grabbed every canned goods and bottled water she could find in the kitchen and placed them in a plastic bag she found.

"Honey, we got to go now..." said Seth as he walked back in the house. "Take this." said Liberty as she handed Seth the plastic bag full of canned goods and a few bottled water. Seth took it and they immediately went into the garage.

"Get in the car." said Seth as he placed the plastic bag he was carrying in the trunk of the car. After making sure that everything is ready, he closed the trunk and immediately went in the car.

Seth just started the car's engine when suddenly the house beside their garage exploded. "Ahhhh!" yelled Liberty and the kids as they all ducked down. The explosion blew debris in the garage and created a hole on the wall of the garage. The tools that used to hang on the wall are now scattered.

"Everybody hang tight!" yelled Seth as he put the gear on drive and floored it. They drove through the garage door and they sped up the road.

Explosions echoed from every direction of the city. Military helicopters and fighter jets continue to fly around the sky as numerous unidentified flying objects continue to fire lasers at the city.

"Mom, Dad... what's going on?" asked Zero who was looking outside through the car's window.

"I wish I could give an answer for that Zero, but me and your mom have also no idea of what is going on." said Seth as he continue to drive the car past debris on the street.

Liberty turned the radio and began listening to the emergency broadcast.

"All citizens are urged to proceed immediately to the nearest evacuation site. The following areas are designated evacuation zones within Lightwood city. Middleton High School, Lightwood Medical Hospital, Lightwood Police Station precint 8, Westwood Park and Breakwater Port." the recorded message announced.

"Precint 8 is the nearest evac site here." said Liberty as she sit up right. "Precint 8 it is then..." said Seth as he turned right on the intersection that would take them straight to precint 8.

Other vehicles were racing across the streets trying to get to the nearest evacuation areas first. Some got into car accidents and others caused massive explosions. People were running all over the street which made driving through the city a challenge.

"Mom... Dad... I'm scared..." said Lea as she sat back down after seeing the events occuring outside. "Don't worry honey... everything is going to be ok..." said Liberty as she looked at her daughter

"Chief Roswell!" a police officer yelled as he approached the chief of precint 8 who was currently assisting people and holding back the massive crowd of people. "I've recieved a radio transmission that the Westwood Park evacuation site is under attack." he added as he stood infront of Chief Roswell. "Son of a..." Chief Roswell whispered. The news made him look alot more older than he is. He looked at the policer officer who just gave him the bad news, "Thank you Mike... I want you to contact any other rescue chopper within the city and tell them to get here." he said. "Yes sir..." Mike responded as he saluted Chief Roswell before turning around and running back to the station. "God help us..." Chief Roswell whispered.

Hundreds of vehicle had clogged the road leading to Precint 8. "How far are we from the station?" asked Liberty. "We're still 2kms away." Seth replied as he tried to manuever their car around the cars and people crowding the street. Few explosions echoed not so far from behind them. When he looked behind them, he saw a thick cloud of smoke coming from a building a few blocks from their current location. "We have to get out of here..." he said as he looked at his wife. "Ok..." Liberty whispered. "Kids... we're getting out of here." he said as he turned and looked at Zero and Lea at the passenger seat. Suddenly, a loud explosion rocked a building a few meters away from them. People outside began to panic and run as debri fell on the street. Liberty immediately got out of the car and opened the door of the back passenger seat. "Lea, come on." she said as she held carried Lea out of the car. Seth opened the other side of the back passenger seat and grabed Zero out of the car. An unidentified ship flew above them causing more panic on the street. "Liberty! This way!" yelled Seth as he began to ran up the street while carrying Zero. Liberty followed him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2013 ⏰

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