15 years later

15 1 0

This fanfiction is purely my imagination, no resemblance with the actual storyline even though the things that happened in the series happened in different timelines. I am introducing a new character. Hope you like her.

Meredith was standing in the nurses station looking at the charts when she got paged to the pit. So she didn't waste any time and ran to the pit.

Meredith: kepner what u got.

April: Motor vehicle accident. He got a rigid abdomen.

Meredith: bring him upto CT. Who brought him here. I think they try to revive him in the site.

April: it was a teenage girl she was covered in blood i think she try to do CPR and pressure the wound.

Meredith: where is she.

April: in the trauma 2.

Meredith walked towards trauma 2. There she saw a very familiar face. She was struck by that teenage girl.

Girl: hello are you the doctor of the accident victim.

She was surprised by the doctors reaction.

Meredith: yeah I am, Dr Meredith grey. Are you related to the guy.

Girl: no this is the first time I am meeting this guy. When I was walking in the footpath, I saw his car swerve and hit a lampost. He was ejected from the car. So I call 911 and I started CPR. Is he okay.

Meredith: you did good, he is gotten into CT after that only we can say something. There is no issue in neuro check. So I am guessing he will be okay. Not to intrude may I ask where is your place. By hearing the accent I am guessing Alabama. What are you doing here.

The girl looked down and look for a lie because she was running from her parents or atleast who she thought her parents.

Meredith understand this and thought she would leave her alone.

Meredith: can I know your age.

Girl: I am 15 I will be 16 in next March.

Meredith was struck by the little girls resemblance to her sister Lexie. She thought about Lexie and marks daughter who had been abducted from the day care of the hospital when she was 2. It was the main reason Lexi and mark broke up for the first time, they both feel guilty and it almost destroyed them both. Her case was also not different. She loved her niece and she was the god mother of the child. Her mind was everywhere. The girl saw that.

Girl: Dr Grey what are you thinking.

Meredith: is your birthday march 18th.

Girl: yes and how did you know.

Meredith: is your name Abigail

Girl: how did you know.

Meredith: oh my god, oh my god she started having panick attack. She was struggling to breathe, the girl everyone thought they lost is sitting in front of her.

Abigail: Dr any problem.

Meredith regains her breath.

Meredith: what is your parents name.

Abigail: i don't know about birth parents. They probably leave me or something. I grew up with a family in Alabama, she didn't think she could say all to her but she felt a closeness to the Dr standing in front of her.

Meredith: honey I am gonna say something and don't freak out, okay.

Abigail: okay.

Meredith: honey you were not given up by your parents you were abducted when you were 2 from your parents.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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