First Day at Shepherd-Sloan Memorial

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Jo's POV,
              This is my first day at Shepherd-Sloan Memorial hospital as a surgical intern. I was very excited for my first day here, as I walked to the intern locker room I saw my fellow interns standing there. I walked towards them, they were talking about how lucky they are for doing an internship in one of the best teaching hospitals in the country and learning under great surgeons like Dr Meredith Grey, Dr Lexi Grey, Dr Maggie Pierce, Dr Amelia shepherd, Dr Miranda Bailey, Dr Richard Webber, Dr Jackson Avery, Dr April Kepner, Dr Owen Hunt. As they are talking I introduced myself.

Jo: Hi I am Jo Wilson

Heather: Heather Brooks

Leah: Leah Murphy

Stephanie: Stephanie Edwards

Shane: Shane Ross

They introduced themselves.

             They seem like good people and I was happy that there were more women, as we were talking a resident came to the locker room and asked for us to come to the hall. I wore my light blue scrubs and looked in the mirror, I was very proud of myself. I walked with others to the hall for the introduction session. When we entered the hall my eyes straightly went to four women who were wearing dark blue scrubs standing there and laughing, I was very nervous then a woman entered the hall and introduced herself

Bailey: Hi I am Dr Miranda Bailey I am the chief of surgery at SSM hospital, As the chief of surgery I am welcoming you all to the prestigious resident program of SSM. This is Dr Richard Webber who is the head of the residency program at SSM. For talking more about it I am inviting Dr Webber to talk with you

I was very anxious to meet Dr Bailey and Dr Webber as I have heard the residency program initiated by Dr Webber is the best in the country

Richard:Hello Good morning to everyone, Each of you comes here today hopeful, wanting in on the game. A month ago, you were in med school being taught by doctors. Today... you are the doctors. The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point. Look around you. Say hello to your competition. Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. Five will crack under the pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play, that's up to you

As he was talking I saw those for women prompting the speech, which I understands as Dr Webber taught them.

After 1 hour,

The introduction session dispersed, we were walking towards the intern locker and a resident walks in giving out today's assignment and assigned attendings

Dr Wilson- Dr Grey(General)
Dr Edwards- Dr Shepherd (Nuero)
Dr Ross- Dr Pierce (Cardio)
Dr Murphy-Dr Robbins ( Peads)
Dr Brooks- Dr Avery (Plastics)

As she walked way, I started walking towards the attendings lounge to meet Dr Meredith Grey who was one of the best general surgeon in the country I was very eager to meet her.

Meredith's POV,

After the intern introduction I walked with my sisters to the attendings lounge and we were joking about new interns and there urge to prove themselves.

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