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Being in a public relationship with Blue Tie was weird at first. We definitely got looks from our class but we didn't really care. Blue Tie and I had already posted like 100 instagram photos together at this point so nobody was too confused on if we were dating but we would get the occasional ask. It felt surreal to hold hands on the way to class and kiss each other in school. I finally understood why those annoying school couples are always together now that I had a boyfriend I never wanted to leave his side.

Our friends were kind of confused at first but it became normal pretty quickly and Tomato actually admitted to seeing our first kiss at the party. Even Red Dress was happy for us now that she understood the situation. I was so in love with Blue Tie and I still can't believe we were actually together even though it had been months.

I walked out to the parking lot and saw Blue Tie with a bouquet of flowers and a sign that said "Prom?" Our whole school was crowded around us waiting for my response. I was shocked "Yes" I said running into his arms. Everyone cheered and clapped. "I love you so much" I said "I love you too"

Notes: this was kinda short but I just kinda wanted to do a little what happened after chapter. Thanks for reading and feel free to comment Because I would love to hear opinions.

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