Chapter 2: The Party

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I was exhausted from finishing our group project alone but excited for the party. I put my outfit on and got in the car. My mom was so happy I don't think she's ever seen me go to a party before. When we arrived I picked up the present my mom picked out for red dress before hand and headed to the door.

I knew the TikTok Rizz party would have a lot of people but there was a line out the door. I walked to the back of the line and hoped it wouldn't take long. I was so anxious my thoughts were all over the place. The line moved pretty quickly and I finally approached the door, "name?" The large man at the door said "Turkish Quandale Dingle" I said "that's not on the list" he said looking up at me. I was so embarrassed that I thought I had a chance. "I'll go get the birthday girl and ask if you want me too it could be a mistake" he said trying to ease my pain. Before I could answer he went to get red dress girl and I felt embarrassed again. She was probably having fun with her friends and now she has to come here to deny me entry in front of the entire still very long line. She comes out and analyzes me, "did you put my name on the project?" She asks "yea?" I answer confused. She motions with her hand that I can come in. "Thanks" I say as I followed her in, "No thank you I'm sorry you had to do the project alone I'm not usually like that but this party was very difficult to plan and I was preoccupied. That was really nice of you to credit me even though you did all the work" she smiled at me. I was shocked who knew popular kids could be so kind.

I felt awkward at first getting used to being at the party  I didn't know anyone except the TikTok Rizz people who were all on the dance floor near the Dj booth. I made my way over to the dance floor hoping I wouldn't embarrass myself for the second time tonight. The music was so loud I could barely hear my own thoughts so talking definitely wouldn't work wich means I only had one option. I had to impress them with my moves. It made me cringe to think about but It was the only way. Carnival started to play and I saw them all start to sing I went along despite not knowing the song and quickly went around the people in front of me just in time to link arms with the TikTok Rizz kids. I stared at blue tie to make sure I was doing the right thing. After carnival I just wanna rock came on. I had seen the song all over tiktok and saw their group start to sing it so I knew this was my moment. I got to the middle and started swinging my arms left and right with my hips with my tongue out. Everyone was staring at me even Blue tie they made a circle around me all filming me on their phones. I didn't know if it was because I impressed them or  if I'm the new laughing stock of the school.

After the big moment I got off the dance floor to get a drink everyone smiled at me as I got off.  I sat at a table and chugged my water. Blue tie came over and sat down next to me. Oh my gosh what do I do he's right there. "Hey he says those are some great moves you got" he said smiling. "Thanks" I said as if my heart didn't just sing. Why was I acting like this was I that excited to be popular? "Your names Turkish Quandale Dingle right?" I nodded my head "you should sit with us at lunch sometime we've been looking for new addition to our group" he took out his phone and wrote something on a napkin, "here's my number" he handed it to me. I wanted to say something but I was in disbelief I couldn't even talk if I wanted to. Why was a swooning about this new life?

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