7. Bonding

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Kita's POV

I'm stressing on the way to school. Dad leaves me in front of it, wishing me a good day, but after that I need a solid minute to decide to enter. And while I step forward I see Shinso, frozen before the gate.

I step in front of him and face him, tilting my head, curious. He blinks and come back to earth, surprised, then mistrustful. I give him a slightly tensed smile then turn around to enter, stopping two steps away to address him a questioning glance.

He straightens, adjusts the straps of his bag then nods to me before joining me. We walk like that, side by side, until we reach our classrooms, which happen to be in front of each other.

We share one last glance before parting. I'm stressed, but weirdly, when I enter, I'm immediately ignored by the light cabal. They turn when I arrive, then look away right away.

Wahoo. For a good change it's a good change.

It won't last. Did you see their eyes ?

Yeap. Full of hatred. But they won't attack now. The blue probably healed them but look, they are still slightly injured ( he his only a three bands, not a full one after all ). A trap in a few days seems more likely.

You humiliated them. They will make you pay, probably by humiliating you too. Avoid the populated areas or the ones easily visible. Well, if you want to avoid combat that is, you know I would prefer

I know, I know. Good advice, thanks.

The morning passes without accidents, and for the first time in two months I don't have to jump through the window to go to eat. I remember on the last second that I'm supposed to meet with Shinso, and that he probably can't jump from the third floor.

So I force myself to walk past the gang to the corridor. My heart goes a mile a minute but nothing happens. Shinso is already here, and surprisingly when his tormentors leave the class they superbly ignore us. I note that they all limp a bit and hide a smirk.

The lunch is a bit weird. Shinso bring us to one of his hideouts, and I'm quite impressed by his inventiveness. I would have never find it alone. Only little inconvenience : we have to stay sit, pressed against each other.

I get my bento, and notice that his is almost empty. I slightly frown, my theory about his home-life coming back to me. Without a word I cut my lunch in two and put half of it in his lunch-boxe.

He stares at me with incredulity but I shrug and eat my part as if nothing happened. After a long hesitation he does the same, then we wait for the start of the class in a peaceful silence.

When the bell rings the end of the day the events repeat, except this time we get out of school instead of hiding. We walk for a few meters, and once we're far enough from school we stop, not really knowing what to do anymore. We stare at each others, not as distrustful but a lot more awkward.

Then eventually we say goodbye and go home.

It lasted that way for three days. Threes days of staying together and communicating only from time to time by writing on a piece of paper. Three days of waiting for an attack that never came. The evening of the third day however, something changed.

We leave together as usual, put a safety distance between us and the school, then stop to look at each other, not knowing what to do. And then, without warning, a little woman with gray hair in a bun comes toward us, laying on a cane. I stare at her, surprised. She stops before us and signs.

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