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"I made a list, get everything on it. I'd also appreciate if you could get us something for breakfast. Some croissants or something.", dedicated to washing the dishes, you did not lift your head as Gaz wandered back into the kitchen.

Carefully, he patted his curly hair dry with a towel and glanced at the list.

"Where am I supposed to get all this from?", he asked, frowning.

You sighed.

"Just go to Aldis? They basically got everything."

With a soft groan he let his head fall back, towel wrapped around his neck and rolled his eyes. He raised one foot to scratch the back of his leg like he used to do whenever as a kid.

"Can't you come with me?", he asked.

With both hands on the sink you threw a glance over your shoulder. And frowned once more.

"Are you wearing my shit?", you asked, speechless.

He shrugged.

"My clothes were dirty."


"Don't got any."

"Bloody hell...", sighing, you punched the bridge of your nose and took a deep breath. "K, fine, why don't you just move in."

"You don't really want that, do ya?"

"No! Jesus, Kyle, you're like an overly engaging girlfriend."

He let out a snort.

"What do you know about that?", he asked sarcastically.

Curling your lips you gifted him your most passive aggressive smile and nodded.

"Fair, very fair.", you rolled your eyes. "Cunt."

He shrugged.

"Just sayin'.", he smirked, flashing his pearly white teeth that shimmered like the moon in the darkest nights in contrast to his toned skin.

"Glad you didn't change all that much. Makes me feel less like a dick when lashing out on you."

"You're hardly nagging. Ever heard a dude in full combat gear yell racist shit at you? Now that's the full military experience. Worse than a Call of Duty lobby back in 2008.", he rubbed the back of his neck like he needed a sore muscle to loosen up. "Anyway, care to accompany me to the store?"

He waved the list in the air. It was quite long, the household needed almost anything that could be needed. Even the toilet paper supply was running low.

"The boys are still sleeping.", you said and turned back to cleaning the dishes.

"Which means we can leave them alone for a bit. They'll probably still sleep once we're back."

"Yeah, no pass on that. I'm trying to keep custody."

Confused, he frowned.

"What do you mean?", his arms crossed in front of his chest, Kyle raised an eyebrow. "Mom used to leave us alone at home all the time."

"Yeah but we were like eleven."

For a brief moment his eyes wandered along the kitchen. He seemed to think. Then frowned.

"How old are Matthias and Elliot?", he then asked, visibly unable to assume the kids' ages.

"Seriously?", one of your eyebrows lifted sarcastically.

"Bloody hell, do I look like I'm good with time? Sometimes I forget I'm in my thirties.", he admitted.

Unable to ignore the very cute yet dumb look on his face you had to chuckle.

"Jesus, Kyle...", you sighed, burying your face in your hands.

"You know, Gaz is fine."


"Why not?"

"I like Kyle.", as his name slipped off your tongue a shimmer awoke in the brown of his eyes, made them look like polished copper.

A smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth. For a brief second he needed to avert his gaze to keep himself from smiling like an idiot. Sucking in a sharp breath he let his eyes fall shut.

"My teammates call me Gaz.", he finally said.

But as his gaze lifted again he made a point of not looking at you directly. Like he struggled to do so. Or had turned shy all of a sudden.

With a soft smile, you shook your head and let out a deep breath.

"I'm not your teammate.", you said and turned back to let the water out of the sink. "And you're not in the army right now. Relax. You're just a man."

All of a sudden he sucked in such a sharp breath that it made your skin tighten. Goosebumps grew all over your arms.

Briefly, your gaze jumped over your shoulder. Again, he turned his head away to avoid eye contact. His fingers tapped onto the counter of the kitchen island.

"Elliot is four and Mathias is two.", you finally said to break the tense silence. "Actually, I call them Elli and Matti. They are a bit protective of the nicknames but you could ask them if you're allowed to call them that."

Understanding, he hummed but remained trapped in his thoughts for a while. Again, he glanced at the list full of groceries and other necessities.

"Can't you get someone to look after them for a bit?", he suddenly asked.

His voice was soft, hesitant. It was obvious that he didn't want to sound like a dick, but at the same time was in need of some alone time with a friend.

For a brief moment you had to think. Maybe it was because he hadn't been alone in so long that he now feared to be by himself.

He had admitted the night before that his own thoughts were something he didn't want to get too loud. Yet again, that did sound like something that needed to be discussed with a licensed therapist.

And yet.

You knew how important it could be to have someone listen. Or just be there when needed.

And if you were completely honest with yourself you could use some time to enjoy yourself as well. No pressure that came with work. Or the responsibility to look out for the kids.

Just plain old you time. With Kyle.

Quickly, you dried your hands with a towel and reached for your phone that lay on the counter to give Lina a call.

"She'll be here in twenty.", you said with a smile after you had discussed the details.

You just needed her to watch the boys for an hour or two while you were out shopping for groceries. And after that you'd invest all your time into them.

"Thanks.", a hint of embarrassment could be seen on his face.

You eyed him.

"By the way... do you know how to drive?", you asked, chewing on the inside of your lip.

Confused, he frowned.

"Sure.", his eyes narrowed. "You don't?"

"I don't even have a license."



"There's a car in your driveway."

"Yeah...", embarrassed, you rubbed the back of your neck. "I bought it with the intention to get a license some time ago."


"Can't be arsed. Traffic around here is shite."

Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x M!ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant