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With a loud groan you let yourself fall face first into the mattress. Soft pillows gave in and the feeling of feathers hugged your sore body.

The scent of freshly washed sheets filled your nose with every breath. Probably because you had spent the last weeks crashing on the couch, too tired to make it up the last few steps to your room after more than ten hours on your feet.

Water gushed and the sound of someone brushing their teeth scratched the back of your mind. Almost drifting into darkness you rolled onto your back and wiped your face with a sigh.

"I have a guest room, you know.", with one eye open you threw a glance into the bathroom that was connected to your bedroom.

Kyle glanced at you, a toothbrush between his lips. White foam covered them. You swallowed at the sight.

He had changed his uncomfortable looking hoodie and the jeans and was now wearing grey sweatpants and a black hand shirt. It wasn't quite his size so he had rolled up the sleeves which now made his biceps look swollen.

Above the hem of the sweatpants peaked out the lining of his boxer shorts.

He spit out the toothpaste and washed his mouth with a handful of water before leaning against the frame of the door, arms crossed.

He really had changed over the years. It was hard to believe that the little Kyle, a scrawny and short boy had grown to be such a muscular, slim fit man. And he was tall.

"If it bothers you I can.", he shrugged.

As his shoulders moved up the muscles on his chest did too. Embarrassingly quick your eyes followed the movement and again you needed to swallow hard.

A gush of warmth chased through your head and made you feel dizzy. You were a fucking idiot.

"I don't mind...", you muttered and turned over to make some space for him in bed. "Just didn't take you for someone to share beds just like that."

With a snort, he dropped next to you in the sheets.

"You're not just anyone, (Y/N).", he rolled his eyes, sighed. "We used to share beds all the time."

"That was fifteen years ago, mate..."

"Don't worry, I won't try to cuddle you."

"God that was the worst part."

With his eyes closed, he let out a snort and frowned.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?", he asked and reached out to slap you in the face in a teasing manner.

Huffing, you punched back and made him gasp.

"I like to breathe while sleeping.", you argued and grabbed a pillow to shove it into his face. "Besides, you snorted all the time. Into my ear."

Chuckling, he snatched the pillow from your hands and shoved it under his head. Sighing, he crossed his arms on his chest.

"Relax!", he muttered with a smirk. "You're not my type anyway."

Playfully shocked, you put a hand on your chest and took an overly dramatic deep breath.

"How dare you, Kyle!", gasped.

Annoyed, he frowned but couldn't help smile. With a groan, he turned away and buried his face in the soft pillows.

"Bloody hell...", he sighed as if he had been blessed by the king himself. "A real bed..."

Chuckling, you let yourself fall back into the sheets.

"What, you don't got mattresses in the military?", you asked, adjusting your pillow.

"Not sure if you can call them mattresses. They're bloody rubbish."

Kyle's stretched himself. Even though you were all by yourself you had bought the biggest bed size available.

For some reason, the thought of having to share a bed with Kimmy didn't upset you. A marriage bed. But having to sleep near her, with possible physical contact, had been a sacrifice you hadn't wanted to make even for the boys.

Now it came in handy that this bed was unnecessarily oversized. Yet again, it felt different to have Kyle lay next to you. He felt more familiar than the mother of your children.

You were more comfortable with him. Even though his presence made your heart beat faster.

Silence fell and since the gentle breathing of Kyle indicated that he had fallen asleep you reached over your shoulder and turned off the nightstand light.

Darkness swallowed your bedroom.

The rustling of sheets hushed the silence. Everything sounded so soft and comfy. Like clouds that pushed the two of you even closer.

A hint of Kyle's cologne was in the air, musky and yet so pleasant to breathe in. He smelled clean, well kept. Not at all like the messy boy he used to be.

Technically, you lay right next to a stranger. This man was unknown to you, a new version of a former friend. You were separated by a decade of nothing.

And yet, under all these circumstances you still felt at ease. Comfortable. Almost as if you had arrived home after weeks of being away.

A deep breath made your chest tighten. Your eyes fell shut.

Again, Kyle moved next to you. Or not quite, there was still enough space for two people between your shoulders. Somehow that made you wish he'd scoot closer.

You wanted to scoot closer, just how you used to do as kids. But you didn't. In the end, you were just overwhelmed with emotions.

Maybe tomorrow would look different and realisation would strike to make you realise he wasn't the friend you desperately wanted back.

"(Y/N)?", his voice was rough as he tried to whisper.

"Hm?", you turned your head, out of reflex, seeking for him in the dark.

"I don't want to sound like a dick..."

"Ask.", you allowed him.

He took an audible breath.

"How... did you know the boys were yours? I mean... weren't you afraid that Kimmy could... fuck you over?"

You fell silent.

"I didn't believe her at first. Not even after the second pregnancy. She was an addict but never dirty nor homeless. Or short on money. Made the impression she had others to take care of her."

"She was always pretty sly.", he agreed.

"Hm. Court made me take a paternity test.", sighing, you closed your eyes. "Can I ask you something?"


"Why not sleep in the guest room?"

He hesitated.

"In the military you're never alone. No privacy. You share rooms, sleep next to each other on the floor. If war doesn't chase away the thoughts, your mates will.", he turned his head to look at you in the dark. "I don't want to be alone. My thoughts are too loud."

Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now