music video 🩸

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disclaimer - this is completely made up and i still dont know how i feel about this story but just keep in mind that im just making these stories up for myself and you guys and i actually dont know anything about billies personal life <3

billies pov

"goodmorning baby", i said into the phone, as i sat on the toilet uncomfortably, trying my best not to sound too awkward. 

"goodmorning my love, how are you this morning?", she said back, her voice cracking as she'd clearly just woken up like me. 

"im okay. how about you, what are you doing today?", i said

"well not much just have to finish up some work and stuff, but i wanted to see youuuu babbyyy. what are you doing today?", she responded

"aww i wanna see you toooo my love. i kind of have an issue, cause i was meant to be filming that music video i was telling you about yesterday. but then like, you know how it was underwater and stuff?", i said nervously. i didnt know who else to call and i felt so awkward doing this. 

"yea baby", she said back. 

"well i got my period, and i dont know how im gonna be swimming all day. especially since im not gonna be wearing tampons and shit, cause this endometriosis got my flow fucked up. and i dont know what to do and i feel so weird about it, cause i didnt know like who to tell and stuff", i replied nervously awaiting a response. 

"oh my love im so sorry honey. is your mom gonna be there cause you could just tell her and then she could make up an excuse for you? if not then just like- i dont fucking know baby. you could tell chelsea or michelle or laura, im sure they wouldnt care at all, and they can make up an excuse for you", she said sweetly. 

"yeah i just really dont have the energy to call a bunch of people right now. it also feels weird that like THIS is the reason that i have to cancel a shoot, like im actually mad at my body right now", i giggled, shaking my head as i finished on the toilet and walked over to sink, setting my phone on speaker while i washed my hands, and then my face. 

"yeah i know its weird but you cant change it, and its not your fault at all. im sorry your tired baby, do you want me to come over and we can just chill today?"

"that would be amazing baby, im gonna make some calls right now, but then can you come over so we can cudddleeee", i said with a smile on my face. 

after making our plans and then saying goodbyes, i hung up the call and sighed deeply as i braced my body against the bathroom counter, with cramps coming in waves. more like tidal waves. 

i reached under the sink and opened the cupboard which had all of the things i had been collecting from the doctors office over the last few weeks since my diagnosis of endometriosis. i placed two period pain relief pills in my mouth, along with my vitamins and minerals, and washed them down with my water. then i grabbed the heating pad and turned it on, wrapping it around my stomach and back, where most of my pain was. that was a lie. my whole entire body hurt, but it felt like gun shots were being fired into my uterus so i paid the most attention to that. 

then i dialed my manager lauras number, and my heart sped up as it started to ring. i held the phone in my hand on speaker as i slowly made my way back to my bed. 

"hey bil, whats up honey?", she said calmly. 

"heyyy nothing much i just wanted to talk to you about today quickly.", i said, once again the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. why the fuck was i so nervous?

"oh sure, what about?", she responded. 

"well, i hate to bring bad news, but i think we need to reschedule it", i said quickly, trying not to sound too scared. 

"whatttt oh my gosh why, is everything okay?", she said, with a sad and confused tone. 

"well yeah i guess. its kinda a weird reason tho", i giggled into the phone, finally relaxing into the thought that i could tell her anything. aside from her being my manager we had been really great friends since the beginning, and i knew i could trust her with my life. she would do anything for me and i would do anything for her. 

"billie i really dont care, you know that. just tell me whats wrong.", she sighed

"uhm well", i chuckled childishly, "i got my period this morning, and the whole shoot was supposed to be underwater, but like i dont really wanna be swimming all day, because my flows so heavy that i cant even wear a tampon. and i can hardly walk either with this endometriosis shit. so i just dont know what to do. and i dont wanna have to tell everyone like that reason and stuff but its just weird i dont knowwww", i said sheepishly, as i played with my blankets on my bed. 

"ohhh billie nooo. im sorry honey. uhmmm, its okay ill tell everyone your sick on the group chat and we can just reschedule it for like another week or two. but make sure you tell your mom because i dont want her actually thinking your sick.", she said kindly. 

"okay thank you so so much, i love youuuuu", i said. 

"anything for you billie, do you need anything?", she said. 

"no i think y/n is gonna come over so ill be okay but thank you", i responded. 

"alright well let me know if you need anything and in the meantime ill message the team and get everything sorted. bye billie i love youuuu"

"byeee i love u toooo", i said as i made kissy noises into the phone, before hanging up. 

i breathed a sigh of relief as i fell back against my pillows. thank god i had gotten that sorted. just as i had closed my eyes again, i heard a knock at the door, and i relaxed even more, knowing that soon id be in y/ns arms. 


im not sure how i feel about this one yet. but were so close to 2k already i literally cant believe it. i love you guys so much, plz vote and comment lmk if you liked this!!!! xx

eilish tales -  imagines!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora