big sister billlieee 🩸

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*this story is gonna be a bit different idk where this idea came from. basically finneas will still be billies older brother but they're gonna have a younger sister (olive), whos like  12-14 you can decide. 

tw AGAIN - periods (blood description ig)

billies pov

"leave me alone", olive said as she agressively closed the curtain to her bunk in front of my face. The tour bus was cramped and i knew she wouldnt stay in her bunk for long, so i left her alone. she had been acting weird the entire day, and i was just trying to cheer her up before the show tonight but she seemed to be really stubborn. 

"wheres olive?", finneas said to me, as i was walking out of our bunk room. The bunk room was my favourite place in the tour bus, as it reminded me most of home which i missed more than anything. The lights were red, and it felt warm and dark and cozy just like my room. 

"shes in her bunk acting weird asf, maybe just leave her alone for a bit.", i replied to finneas, who stared back at me with a suprised and confused look on his face. 

"did something happen?", finneas said worriedly. 

"no, shes just being a teenager. i dont fucking know", i laughed back, starting to walk downstairs to the main area. 

We sat for a while at the table, thinking of new outfit ideas for the second leg of the tour, and then soon enough it was lunchtime. 

olive came downstairs for lunch and was quiet for most of it, just sitting there silently. I wondered what was going through her head and why she acting like this. It wasn't normal for her, but for her age i wasn't really surprised. My mom seemed to notice her strange behavior along with finneas, so during lunch many questions were fired at her, but she only gave short one word answers. 

olive pov

i dont know what was wrong with me, but i just felt off today, and didnt feel like talking. It felt like all of my words and thoughst were just stuck inside my body and i couldnt, and didnt want to let them out. I felt almost bad about it because i was completely shutting out billie, my mom and finneas, but i just was not feeling it. 

After lunch was over, i heaved a sigh of relief as i slumped back into my cramped bunk bed. I didn't wanna be around anyone when i was acting like this so i stayed in my bunk for most of the day. 

i slumped into my bed and pulled the curtain half shut, so i could still see the stairs from my bed to see if anyone was comng. My stomach was hurting, so i just laid there and listened to music. 

I let my mind wander. Maybe i was sick and thats why i was acting like this. But also, id felt like this a lot lately. i had no idea what was wrong with me but i hoped it got better soon cause i certainly wasn't a fan of how i felt. 


Later on, everyone had left to go to some planning meetings but billie, finneas and claudia had stayed back to chill out. I was laying on my bed when billie came up to my bunk. 

"hey bubs, how you going?", billie said sweetly, and suddenly i felt so bad for how i had been treating her. she looked so precious with her messy red and black hair and her bright smile. My eyes filled with uncontrollable tears and i tried my hardest to keep them in, but they spilled over the edge. 

"im okay. i dont know whats wrong with me, why am i acting like this billie. i feel like im being mean to everyone and everything just feels weird and dark", i said, my voice choking up as i spoke. 

"aww honey its okay, i promise you it'll get better. everyone has bad days. Is there anything specifically that feels bad?" she said kindly, searching my face for answers. 

"i have no idea. i just feel sad and my stomach hurts.", i replied. 

she looked at me understandingly and then looked down and smirked. did she know something i didnt?

"what?", i said to her as she looked back up at me. 

"nothing nothing your just growing up its cute", she replied smiling. 

"stop", i replied laughing. I was confused why she thought it was cute that i was in pain and sad, but i just moved on, not bothered to care too much. 

"how about i get you some midol cause i think thats all i have, and you come play uno with us?", she said sweetly again, and i smiled back nodding my head. 

she stood up and grabbed both my hands pulling me out of my bunk and hugging me tightly as i stood up. She kissed the top of my forehead kindly and then walked over to her cupboard behind her bunk, and grabbed out a small bottle of pills, handing me two, and her water bottle. 

I took the pills and then followed her downstairs to play uno with her, finneas and claudia. 

billies pov

it was later on now, and we had been playing uno for a while. i could tell olive was feeling better and i was glad. I was so excited to see her growing up, but i felt bad that she had to feel like that, remembering how it felt for me when i started developing like that. 

finneas and i did our show, and we decided to do a small venue show because we wanted to do a throwback to what it used to be like. claudia and olive watched us from the wings the entire show, and everytime i looked across to see olive smiling at me, my heart filled with joy. she finally looked happy, which was something i hadn't seem in a long time, and it made me ecstatic. 


after the show we finally made it back to the tour bus, and i laid in my bunk with olive by my side. we just watched my phone for a while in our pajamas, and i could feel her falling asleep next to me. i cuddled her for a while and then i carefully picked her up being sure not to wake her up as i carried her into her bunk and pulled her blankets up around her. 

olives pov

when i woke up in the early hours of the morning i could hear the faint snores of everyone in the bus cabins, which only slightly distracted me from the horrible pain in my stomach. 

I grabbed my phone off the charger which had all of our phones, and saw that the time was 6:37am. i walked to the small bathroom in the corner, and sat on the toilet, struggling to keep my eyes open. I looked down, and shocked myself seeing my underwear filled with red. 

there was blood everywhere. 

on my thighs, on my pajama shorts and literally all over my underwear. 

"fuck fuck fuck. holy shit", i cried out as my heart started racing in panic. 

the door started opening and i quickly yelled out "wait stop, im in here". but obviously billie wasn't listening as she opened the door to see my panicked expression with tears running down my face. 

"oh fuck sorry", she whispered.

She gasps loudly as she looks down at my legs and underwear (obviously she doesnt stare out your cooch but how can you not look at someone when they're covered in blood). 

"oh my fucking god olive", she says covering the huge smile on her face with her hand. 

"what the fuck is happening to me and why are you smiling about it?", i replied still panicking, thinking maybe i was dying. 

"girl what the fuck you got your period how dont you know that, did mom not tell you?", she says, as she starts walking back into the cabin to grab somethings. 

"um no billie, nobody told me i was gonna fucking bleed out of my vagina, what the fuck?", i say as she returns with some new black shorts, underwear and a pad. 

i've seen her on her period before so i when i see her holding a pad, everything starts to click into place. 

"watch", she says as she sits on the bathroom floor, and starts opening the pad and showing me how to put it on my underwear. 

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