♡ 09 | Trouble in Paradise

Start from the beginning

"Understood, Professor," you respond, determination clear in your voice. "We'll do whatever it takes to help."

With a smile, Dumbledore sees you two out of his office. Stepping onto the school grounds, a sense of relief washes over you, as if a burden has been lifted. The comforting green grass beneath your feet grounds you as you and Draco traverse the grounds, the distant sounds of Quidditch practice echoing in the air.

"That was very brave of you, Draco," you commend him, admiration gleaming in your eyes.

Draco's response is guarded, his expression inscrutable. "It was necessary," he replies.

 "Still, it couldn't have been easy," you remark softly, offering a reassuring touch to his arm.

Draco meets your gaze, a fleeting glimmer of gratitude passing through his eyes before it vanishes. "Let's just hope it makes a difference," he says, uncertainty coloring his tone. "Although..."

You notice the telltale sign immediately—Draco is blushing.

"Although?" you prompt, intrigued by his sudden hesitation.

"...I was hoping that..." He pauses, his gaze locking with yours, and you feel a flutter in your chest. "the renewal of our friendship wouldn't only be for appearances."

Your mind races, trying to make sense of Draco's words. He said "friendship," but the way he's looking at you, the intensity in his eyes, it feels like there's something more beneath the surface. Your heart pounds in your chest, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within you.

You struggle to find the right words, your mouth opening and closing soundlessly. Why does his simple statement have such a profound effect on you? Why does it feel like there's an unspoken truth hanging between you, waiting to be acknowledged?

As Draco waits for your response, the weight of his gaze feels both exhilarating and daunting. You search for the courage to speak, to address the unspoken tension that lingers in the air between you. But for now, all you can manage is a soft, uncertain smile, hoping that it conveys the myriad of emotions swirling within you.

"Y/N..." Draco' expression is deja vu, its the same expression he had the first time you talked, blushing and flustered "...I wanted to tell you that I still lo-"

"Ah!" you yelp as you're swept off your feet, quite literally, by Cedric who appears out of nowhere on his Firebolt.

You yelp in surprise, clinging to Cedric for dear life as he spins the broom around like a merry-go-round, laughter bubbling from his lips. The wind whips at your face, and you squeeze your eyes shut, trying to steady yourself as best you can.

"Put me down! Put me down!" you scream, the rush of adrenaline mixing with equal parts exhilaration and panic. Cedric, oblivious to your distress, continues to loop and spin through the air, his laughter echoing across the grounds.

You swat at Cedric's arm as the ride finally comes to a stop, your heart still racing from the adrenaline rush. "You nutter!" you exclaim, trying to catch your breath as you shoot him a playful glare. "You demented, deranged, psychotic—"

"Prince?" Cedric offers with a mischievous grin.

"Sure," you reply with a roll of your eyes, unable to suppress a laugh. "Prince of Nutters."

Cedric chuckles and guides the broom back down to the ground where Draco stands, a bemused expression on his face. You dismount the Firebolt with shaky legs, grateful for solid ground beneath your feet once more. As you join Draco, you can't help but wonder what he was about to say earlier.

"Good morning," Draco says in a strained voice to Cedric.

"Evening," Cedric corrects, his one equally forced "Its evening."

Golden Girl II: By Your Side (Reader x Cedric x Draco)Where stories live. Discover now