~School Festival? What should I do...? Pt1~

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The following days of school were normal for you, not that you actually paid attention to any of the work. After a lesson with Cytoplasm (you think that's his name), you suddenly woke up from being hit across the head by a book held by the said teacher.
"I hope you got all of that, Miss (Y/N)."

Later that night, you got a small knock on your door. You woke up by it and was half annoyed at whoever was there, but that feeling soon dispersed once you saw that it was just Broccoli.
"What do you want?"
"U-um, (Y/N). Sorry to wake you up, but I need to show you something, as you already 'know'."
You tilted your head at that, just before understanding what he meant.

After a few seconds of walking, you both appeared outside of his dorm. Once he had opened the door and let you in, he quickly shut it behind himself, sweating furiously.
"What's up with that?" You plainly asked him.
"Ao-yama," he stuttered, causing you to become further curious of the matter. "Even though his room is right next door to mine, I saw him standing their on the balcony, looking into here through the gap in the curtains..."

You looked over at the said part of the room and approached the door to the balcony. Upon looking at its floor, you noticed a message spelt out through cheese?
"'I know'?" You quoted. "That sounds alarming."
"Do you th-think that's its to do with..." He paused there, still shaking with worry.
"Maybe, unless you have any other secrets." You then walked to the door leading out his room. "We can confront him later, if you want."
"Thanks, (Y/N)," Midoriya said as you left the dorm to return to your own.

The next morning, you got up slightly later than usual, so you swiftly got dressed into your uniform and headed out of the dormitory building. On your way, you saw your green-haired classmate, also seeming to be running a little late.
"Broccoli," you greeted, going faster to catch up with him.
"Oh, morning (Y/N)."

As soon as the two of you got to the hallway of your class, Uraraka and Ida were at the door and began to call out to you both as you reached the room.
"Just a minute before homeroom!" Ida stated.
Midoriya entered the class first, staring at Aoyama with a horrified expression as he just smiled back with his usual smile. You also stopped to give him a glance, curious if your suspicions were correct.
"Surprise," was all the blonde had to say.

Later on, you all had to go to the gym to work on your hero moves, but this time, you had to join in. You found that annoying as you didn't know what you could do, so you decided that you would just pretend to be doing something that lesson.

After you all had gotten changed into your hero costumes, many of your classmates approached you.
"So this is what your new hero outfit looks like!" Kaminari said.
"It's really cool and cute!" Mina awed.
"It suits you," Tokoyami stated.

"Thanks," you said in reply to all the compliments you received. You looked over at Aoyama, who seemed to have been talking with Midoriya. "I'm going over there now." You pointed over in the direction of the two.

As you were approaching them, you felt a heavy hand harshly make a chopping motion on your head.
"What's your problem?" You said, turning to look up at the unfortunately familiar figure of the ash-blonde male. His first angered expression became soft with a dust of pink across his face for only a second before returning back to his usual scowl.
"Pfft, don't think a new costume and name will make you better than me!" And with that, he stormed off in another direction.

'That was strange... well, he always is...'


After excusing yourself from doing the activity to 'help out Midoriya with Aoyama', you stood beside them, waiting to hear what it was that the weird blonde knew.
"Um, so recently... on, ur, the balcony outside our dorm rooms, um -"
"The 'I know' message." You cut off the green haired boy as he nodded. "What is it that you 'know'?"

How did you get here again...? [Muichiro Fem!Reader x Mha]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang