~Overhaul? I dont think i'll remember that...~

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"Today, we'll be doing patrols and surveillance." Nighteye informed you, Genya, Mirio, Midoriya, and Bubble girl, who were all standing in his office. It was now your second day of your work study, but your first day of doing actual work. You were excited as you would be able to ask Genya questions whilst doing the patrol, as there was a low chance of having any problems to deal with. "We'll split into two groups. Me, Bubble girl and Genya- "

You dipped your head slightly in disappointment, as you wouldn't be able to be with Shinazugawa. "-and then Tokito, Mirio and Midoriya."
"Surveillance...?" Broccoli boy mumbled to himself.
"At the moment, Nighteye Agency is working on a confidential investigation." Explained Bubble girl.
"Shie Hassaikai is a small group of designated villains -" And you zoned out. Probably shouldn't have, but you did.


"It's the hashira!" A random voice from somewhere in the group of people around you exclamined.
"Isn't her new hero costume adorable?"

Currently, you were doing your patrol with Midoriya and Mirio, and nothing illegal seems to be going on.
"You sure are popular, Tokito!" Said the blonde hero, as you slightly turned to him.
"I guess I am."

"I-I'm so nervous," stated Midoriya, still looking straight ahead.
"You must have done some patrols as part of your internship, right?" You couldn't remember if you had done one or not, as the only thing you remembered about the internship was the fight you had with Hero killer. "Was the league of villains attack too traumatic for you?"

From there, you stopped listening to their conversation and began to look around. There wasn't really anything interesting and no villains or other sort of criminals had come out yet, but you were distracted from your thoughts as the third year accompanying you began to swing his arms about in an energetic fashion.

"Now that I think about it," the male suddenly stopped doing whatever it was he was doing. "We haven't discussed our hero names!" You turned to the blonde, slightly curious to hear his.
"No, we haven't." Agreed, Midoriya. "I'm Deku!"

The third year repeatedly said the word 'Deck', wondering if he had heard broccoli boy correctly.
"You sure you okay with that?" He asked him.
"I am."
"What about you, Tokito?" The two now turned to you.
"I actually recently changed mine to Muichiro." You told them.
"Limitless, just like your potential!" You nodded at Mirio's words, as that was one of the reasons you chose it.

"I'm lemillion!" The blonde announced. "I don't have to rescue everyone, but one million, not all, but at least a million. That's my goal, so I decided on the name Lemillion!" You like the reason behind his hero name, so you gave him a thumbs up. "Once we put our costumes on and got out into the public, we're officially heroes. Don't let your guards down, Deku, Muichiro."
"Yes, Lemillion." Smiled broccoli boy.
"Sure," you blankly responded.

As the three of you began walking, you heard small but quick steps approaching you. As you turned in the direction, the tiny figure of a girl bumped into you, but before she could hit her head as she fell back, you crouched down and caught her.

The clothes she wore concerned you, as she had what looked like an old looking hospital gown and bandages all over her arms and legs. Was she escaping from a hospital? The child looked up at you, scared and seemingly worried about something.
"You okay?" You plainly asked her, trying to speak in a kinder tone towards the kid, but it came out as your normal, uninterested voice.

All she did was hold onto you, as if she was going to die if she dared to let go of you. You noticed how she was trembling as you stood up with her. Midoroya and Mirio must have noticed, as they began to approach you and the girl, but your attention was on the male slowly emerging from the alley.

How did you get here again...? [Muichiro Fem!Reader x Mha]Where stories live. Discover now